Using the SB_RGBA_DRV primitive in VHDL

我在使用为 Lattice ICE40UP fpga 提供的 SB_RGBA_DRV 原语时遇到问题。 技术库提供了一个我开始工作的 verilog 示例,但是当我尝试在 VHDL 中使用它时,P&R 失败,输出以下消息:

错误:非法连接:类型 'SB_RGBA_DRV' 的实例 'myrgb' 的引脚 'RGB2' 应仅连接到一个顶部模块端口。它连接到以下终端: LED2_obuf/DOUT0

这是我的 .vhdl 文件:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity led is
    port (
        LED0        : out   std_logic;
        LED1        : out   std_logic;
        LED2        : out   std_logic
end entity led;

architecture rtl of led is

component SB_HFOSC is
    port (
        CLKHFEN : in std_logic;
        CLKHFPU : in std_logic;
        CLKHF   : out std_logic 
end component;

component SB_RGBA_DRV is
    generic (
        RGB0_CURRENT: string:="0b000000"; 
        RGB1_CURRENT: string:="0b000000";
        RGB2_CURRENT: string:="0b000000"
    port (  
        RGBPU : in std_logic;
        RGBLEDEN : in std_logic;
        RGB0PWM : in std_logic;
        RGB1PWM : in std_logic;
        RGB2PWM : in std_logic;
        RGB0 : out std_logic;
        RGB1 : out std_logic;
        RGB2 : out std_logic    
end component;

signal int_osc : std_logic;


myosc : SB_HFOSC
    PORT MAP (
        CLKHFEN => '1',
        CLKHFPU => '1',
        CLKHF => int_osc

    myrgb : SB_RGBA_DRV
        RGB0_CURRENT => "0b111111",
        RGB1_CURRENT => "0b111111",
        RGB2_CURRENT => "0b111111"
    PORT MAP (
        RGBPU => '1',
        RGBLEDEN => '1',
        RGB0PWM => '1',
        RGB1PWM => '1',
        RGB2PWM => '1',
        RGB0    => LED0,
        RGB1    => LED1,
        RGB2    => LED2

        wait until int_osc'event;
end process;

end rtl;




library sb_ice40_components_syn;
use sb_ice40_components_syn.components.all;

了解 Teplofizik 提到的其他内容可能会有用,但并非完全必要。

你的代码加上上面的内容几乎是正确的。我没有尝试构建和 运行 Teplofizik 的示例代码,但我确实修改了您的代码(实际使用片上振荡器)并且该代码很高兴 运行ning 在 "iCE40UP Breakout" 董事会:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library sb_ice40_components_syn;
use sb_ice40_components_syn.components.all;

entity led is
    port (
        LED0        : out   std_logic;
        LED1        : out   std_logic;
        LED2        : out   std_logic
end entity led;

architecture rtl of led is

-- not necessary - declared in library
--component SB_HFOSC is
--    port (
--        CLKHFEN : in std_logic;
--        CLKHFPU : in std_logic;
--        CLKHF   : out std_logic 
--    );
--end component;
--component SB_RGBA_DRV is
--    generic (
--        RGB0_CURRENT: string:="0b000000"; 
--        RGB1_CURRENT: string:="0b000000";
--        RGB2_CURRENT: string:="0b000000"
--    );
--    port (  
--        RGBPU : in std_logic;
--        RGBLEDEN : in std_logic;
--        RGB0PWM : in std_logic;
--        RGB1PWM : in std_logic;
--        RGB2PWM : in std_logic;
--        RGB0 : out std_logic;
--        RGB1 : out std_logic;
--        RGB2 : out std_logic    
--        );
--end component;

signal int_osc : std_logic;
signal count:   unsigned(25 downto 0);
signal led0_en: std_logic;
signal led1_en: std_logic;
signal led2_en: std_logic;


myosc : SB_HFOSC
    generic map(
        CLKHF_DIV => "0b00"     -- 00 = 48 MHz, 01 = 24 MHz, 10 = 12 MHZ, 11 = 6 MHz
    PORT MAP (
        CLKHFEN => '1',
        CLKHFPU => '1',
        CLKHF => int_osc

    myrgb : SB_RGBA_DRV
--        RGB0_CURRENT => "0b111111",
--        RGB1_CURRENT => "0b111111",
--        RGB2_CURRENT => "0b111111"
        CURRENT_MODE => "0b0",      -- 0 = full current, 1 = halve the current
        RGB0_CURRENT => "0b000001", -- 4 mA is more than enough
        RGB1_CURRENT => "0b000001",
        RGB2_CURRENT => "0b000001"
    PORT MAP (
--        RGBPU => '1',     -- this is an SB_RGB_DRV parameter
        CURREN => '1',
        RGBLEDEN => '1',
--        RGB0PWM => '1',   -- boring
--        RGB1PWM => '1',
--        RGB2PWM => '1',
        RGB0PWM => led0_en,
        RGB1PWM => led1_en,
        RGB2PWM => led2_en,
        RGB0    => LED0,
        RGB1    => LED1,
        RGB2    => LED2

    -- boring
--    begin
--        wait until int_osc'event;
--end process;

    -- cycle through LED's

    led0_en <= count(25) and count(24);
    led1_en <= count(25) and not count(24);
    led2_en <= not count(25) and count(24);

    count_proc: process(int_osc)
        if rising_edge(int_osc) then
            count <= count+1;
        end if;
    end process;

end rtl;