使用 tidytext 以 txt 格式实现标记化

achieve tokenize in a txt format with tidytext

我正在尝试处理 tidytext,使用一个名为:texto_revision 的 .txt 文件,其结构如下:

# A tibble: 254 x 230
   X1     X2     X3     X4    X5    X6    X7    X8    X9    X10   X11   X12   X13   X14   X15   X16  
   <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
 1 la     expro~ de     la    tier~ ocur~ con   frec~ dura~ el    proc~ rapi~ de    la    urba~ en   
 2 como   las    difer~ en    el    moti~ del   cons~ cons~ en    esta~ unid~ y     china afec~ la   
 3 las    desig~ etnic~ en    los   patr~ de    cons~ (pre~ de    vest~ joye~ auto~ han   sido  obje~
 4 este   artic~ exami~ el    impa~ de    vari~ dife~ indi~ en    la    prop~ de    los   cons~ a    
 5 este   artic~ inves~ la    infl~ de    los   regi~ poli~ sobre la    impo~ 
 #   ...



texto_revision %>%
    unnest_tokens(word, text)


Error: Error in check_input(x) : Input must be a character vector of any length or a list of character vectors, each of which has a length of 1.


text_df <- as.data.frame(texto_revision)


Error in check_input(x) : Input must be a character vector of any length or a list of character vectors, each of which has a length of 1.

请注意 unnest_tokens 的语法是 "unnest_tokens([new column name],[reference column]." 您的 tibble/data 框架中似乎没有 "text" 列。下面是一个玩具示例来说明:

State <- as.character(c("SC is in the South","NC is in the south", 
                        "NY is in  the north"))
DF <- data.frame(State, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

> DF
 1 SC is in the South
 2 NC is in the south
 DF %>% unnest_tokens(word,State)

1      sc
1.1    is
1.2    in
1.3   the



texto_revision %>%
  gather(document, word)

请参阅 docs tidyr::gather()