如何在 Grails 中进行正确的数据绑定
How to do proper data binding in Grails
- 用户打开 link 示例。co/connection/putForm
- 编辑所有字段
- 提交 (POST) 到 示例。co/connection/put
- 如果没有错误,那么他将被重定向到 ../conncetion/index 否则他应该会看到之前的表格,所有字段都已填写(第 2 步)和错误消息
def putForm() {
providers: Provider.findAll(),
cities : City.findAll()
def put() {
// not important part of parsing fields from params
def provider = Provider.get(params.provider)
def startTime = parseStartTime(params)
def path = parsePath(params)
def departurePlace = params.departurePlace
def connection = new Connection(provider: provider, startTime: startTime, departurePlace: departurePlace, path: path)
if (connection.save()) {
redirect controller: 'connection', action: 'index', params: [addedConnection: connection.id] // this part is OK
} else {
render view: 'putForm', params: params, model: [connection: connection] // this sucks... look below
问题是我需要渲染视图 putForm 但是从 link .../connection/put .这会导致问题,即在渲染之后所有文本字段都是空的(上面的第 4 步)。还有我丑link.
Grails 有针对这种常见情况的模式吗?
def putForm() {
providers: Provider.findAll(),
cities : City.findAll(),
connection: new Connection() // everything defaulted to empty or whatever you want the default to be
def put( Connection connection ) {
// NOTE: by putting the connection as the parameter to this action,
// all params.X that match a property X in the connection will auto-
// populate, even the Provider, assuming the value of params.provider.id
// is the id of a provider or blank (in which case
// connection.provider will be null.
// Skip this now
//def provider = Provider.get(params.provider)
//def startTime = parseStartTime(params)
//def path = parsePath(params)
//def departurePlace = params.departurePlace
//def connection = new Connection(provider: provider,
// startTime: startTime, departurePlace: departurePlace, path: path)
if (connection.save()) {
redirect controller: 'connection', action: 'index',
params: [addedConnection: connection.id] // this part is OK
} else {
render view: 'putForm', model: [
providers: Provider.findAll(),
cities : City.findAll(),
connection: connection]
您现在需要做的是确保您的 putForm.gsp 确实使用了您发送下来的值。您应该输入以下内容:
<g:input name="path" type="text"
value="${fieldValue( bean:connection, field:'path' )}" />
<g:select name="provider.id" from="${providers}" // note the .id in places here
value="${connection.provider?.id ?: ''}"
- 用户打开 link 示例。co/connection/putForm
- 编辑所有字段
- 提交 (POST) 到 示例。co/connection/put
- 如果没有错误,那么他将被重定向到 ../conncetion/index 否则他应该会看到之前的表格,所有字段都已填写(第 2 步)和错误消息
def putForm() {
providers: Provider.findAll(),
cities : City.findAll()
def put() {
// not important part of parsing fields from params
def provider = Provider.get(params.provider)
def startTime = parseStartTime(params)
def path = parsePath(params)
def departurePlace = params.departurePlace
def connection = new Connection(provider: provider, startTime: startTime, departurePlace: departurePlace, path: path)
if (connection.save()) {
redirect controller: 'connection', action: 'index', params: [addedConnection: connection.id] // this part is OK
} else {
render view: 'putForm', params: params, model: [connection: connection] // this sucks... look below
问题是我需要渲染视图 putForm 但是从 link .../connection/put .这会导致问题,即在渲染之后所有文本字段都是空的(上面的第 4 步)。还有我丑link.
Grails 有针对这种常见情况的模式吗?
def putForm() {
providers: Provider.findAll(),
cities : City.findAll(),
connection: new Connection() // everything defaulted to empty or whatever you want the default to be
def put( Connection connection ) {
// NOTE: by putting the connection as the parameter to this action,
// all params.X that match a property X in the connection will auto-
// populate, even the Provider, assuming the value of params.provider.id
// is the id of a provider or blank (in which case
// connection.provider will be null.
// Skip this now
//def provider = Provider.get(params.provider)
//def startTime = parseStartTime(params)
//def path = parsePath(params)
//def departurePlace = params.departurePlace
//def connection = new Connection(provider: provider,
// startTime: startTime, departurePlace: departurePlace, path: path)
if (connection.save()) {
redirect controller: 'connection', action: 'index',
params: [addedConnection: connection.id] // this part is OK
} else {
render view: 'putForm', model: [
providers: Provider.findAll(),
cities : City.findAll(),
connection: connection]
您现在需要做的是确保您的 putForm.gsp 确实使用了您发送下来的值。您应该输入以下内容:
<g:input name="path" type="text"
value="${fieldValue( bean:connection, field:'path' )}" />
<g:select name="provider.id" from="${providers}" // note the .id in places here
value="${connection.provider?.id ?: ''}"