
The 4 levels of High Availability in PCF, does BOSH handles failed instances or monit?

据我所知,正如 PCF 的 4 级高可用性中提到的,当一个实例(进程)失败时,Monit 应该识别它并重新启动它。然后它会将报告发送给 BOSH。但是,如果整个 VM 出现故障,则 BOSH 有责任识别并重新启动它。


Question and answer


BOSH 负责为失败的 VM 创建新实例。 我知道互联网上没有太多这方面的信息,但如果你有机会,可以注册 pluralsight 教程。那里的讲师很好地解释了高可用性。 但是您也可以从 PCF documents 中获得高层次的想法。

Process Monitoring PCF uses a BOSH agent, monit, to monitor the processes on the component VMs that work together to keep your applications running, such as nsync, BBS, and Cell Rep. If monit detects a failure, it restarts the process and notifies the BOSH agent on the VM. The BOSH agent notifies the BOSH Health Monitor, which triggers responders through plugins such as email notifications or paging.

Resurrection for VMs BOSH detects if a VM is present by listening for heartbeat messages that are sent from the BOSH agent every 60 seconds. The BOSH Health Monitor listens for those heartbeats. When the Health Monitor finds that a VM is not responding, it passes an alert to the Resurrector component. If the Resurrector is enabled, it sends the IaaS a request to create a new VM instance to replace the one that failed.