
How can I prevent a tail recursive function from reversing the order of a List?

我正在试验功能 List 类型和结构共享。由于 Javascript 没有 Tail Recursive Modulo Cons 优化,我们不能像这样编写 List 组合器,因为它们不是堆栈安全的:

const list =
  [1, [2, [3, [4, [5, []]]]]];

const take = n => ([head, tail]) =>
  n === 0 ? []
    : head === undefined ? []
    : [head, take(n - 1) (tail)];

  take(3) (list) // [1, [2, [3, []]]]

现在我尝试递归地实现 take tail,这样我就可以依赖 TCO(在 Ecmascript 中仍然是未解决的 Promise)或使用蹦床(在示例中省略以保留东西简单):

const list =
  [1, [2, [3, [4, [5, []]]]]];

const safeTake = n => list => {
  const aux = (n, acc, [head, tail]) => n === 0 ? acc
    : head === undefined ? acc
    : aux(n - 1, [head, acc], tail);

  return aux(n, [], list);

  safeTake(3) (list) // [3, [2, [1, []]]]



const None =
  Symbol ()

const identity = x =>

const safeTake = (n, [ head = None, tail ], cont = identity) =>
  head === None || n === 0
    ? cont ([])
    : safeTake (n - 1, tail, answer => cont ([ head, answer ]))

const list =
  [ 1, [ 2, [ 3, [ 4, [ 5, [] ] ] ] ] ]

console.log (safeTake (3, list))
// [ 1, [ 2, [ 3, [] ] ] ] 


const None =
  Symbol ()

const identity = x =>

const call = (f, ...values) =>
  ({ tag: call, f, values })

const trampoline = acc =>
  while (acc && acc.tag === call)
    acc = acc.f (...acc.values)
  return acc

const safeTake = (n = 0, xs = []) =>
  const aux = (n, [ head = None, tail ], cont) =>
    head === None || n === 0
      ? call (cont, [])
      : call (aux, n - 1, tail, answer =>
          call (cont, [ head, answer ]))
  return trampoline (aux (n, xs, identity))

const list =
  [ 1, [ 2, [ 3, [ 4, [ 5, [] ] ] ] ] ]

console.log (safeTake (3, list))
// [ 1, [ 2, [ 3, [] ] ] ] 

Laziness 给你免费的尾递归模缺点。因此,显而易见的解决方案是使用 thunk。然而,我们不只是想要任何类型的thunk。我们想要 weak head normal form. In JavaScript, we can implement this using lazy getters 中的表达式的 thunk,如下所示:

const cons = (head, tail) => ({ head, tail });

const list = cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, cons(4, cons(5, null)))));

const take = n => n === 0 ? xs => null : xs => xs && {
    head: xs.head,
    get tail() {
        delete this.tail;
        return this.tail = take(n - 1)(xs.tail);


使用惰性 getter 有很多优点:

  1. 普通属性和惰性属性的使用方法相同。
  2. 您可以使用它来创建无限的数据结构。
  3. 您不必担心炸毁堆栈。
