VB.net webrequest.uploadfile 中止错误

VB.net webrequest.uploadfile aborted error

我使用 webrequest 上传文件功能。但是我在慢速网络中遇到大文件错误。所以我想也许缓冲区或其他东西可以帮助我


Private Shared Function GetFileUploadResponse(ByVal fileToUpload As String, ByVal accessToken As String, ByVal uploadUrl As String) As UploadResponse
        Dim client = New WebClient()
        client.Headers.Add("Authorization", "OAuth " & accessToken)

        Dim responseBytes = client.UploadFile(uploadUrl, fileToUpload)

        Dim responseString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBytes)

        Dim response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of UploadResponse)(responseString)

        Return response

    End Function

当我尝试上传更大的 100 MB 文件时错误中止。

我找到了这段代码,但这是针对 FTP 的。我使用普通的网络上传。我尝试修改我的代码,但每次都出错

Dim request As FtpWebRequest =
request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("username", "password")
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile

Using fileStream As Stream = File.OpenRead("C:\local\path\file.zip"),
      ftpStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
    Dim read As Integer
        Dim buffer() As Byte = New Byte(10240) {}
        read = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
        If read > 0 Then
            ftpStream.Write(buffer, 0, read)
            Console.WriteLine("Uploaded {0} bytes", fileStream.Position)
        End If
    Loop While read > 0
End Using


On the server:
Open IIS Manager.
Select the website with your site name.
Double-click on "Request Filtering".
Click "Edit Feature Settings" on the right hand side of the page.
In the dialogue window that opens you can see the "Maximum allowed content length" field. The default is 30mb, apparently yours is set to 100mb Let us say we want our files to be up to 1GB, then we would need to put "1073741824" there.

已找到解决方案。关于 webclient 超时的问题。这个 modifield 网络客户端运行良好。

Public Class BigWebClient
    Inherits WebClient
    Protected Overrides Function GetWebRequest(ByVal address As System.Uri) As System.Net.WebRequest
        Dim x As WebRequest = MyBase.GetWebRequest(address)
        x.Timeout = 60 * 60 * 1000
        Return x
    End Function
End Class