使用 Proc::Async 从绑定管道读取

Reading from a bound pipe using Proc::Async

Proc::Async is one of the classes that Perl 6 uses for interacting asynchronously with the system. The documentation specifies this way to bind to the output of an external program:

my $p = Proc::Async.new("ls", :out);
my $h = "ls.out".IO.open(:w);
await $p.start;

say "Done";

(添加了一些修改,例如等待承诺)。但是,我不知道如何打印这个 $p 的输出。添加 tap 会产生此错误:

Cannot both bind stdout to a handle and also get the stdout Supply

在 bind-stdout.p6 第 8 行的块中

文档中有 print and write methods,但我不知道如何 read 从中读取文件。有什么想法吗?


my $p = Proc::Async.new("ls", :out);
my $h = "ls.out".IO.open(:w);
$p.stdout.tap(-> $str { print $str; $h.print($str) });
await $p.start;

say "Done";