为什么我不能在生产机器上安装 Visual Studio 2015 CTP?

Why Can't I Install Visual Studio 2015 CTP On A Production Machine?

在 Visual Studio 15 CTP download page 上,它是这样说的:

This release is unsupported and are not intended for use on production computers, or to create production code. We strongly recommend only installing this release in a virtual machine, or on a computer that is available for reformatting.


这是因为所有预发布软件都倾向于附带 "it might explode your PC" 警告吗?或者还有其他原因,比如新编译器无法与 VS 2013 中的旧编译器并存?

"we strongly recommended only installing this release in a VM, or on a computer that is available for reformatting" 警告属于 "it might explode your PC" 桶。但是,也就是说,此版本没有上线许可证(不同)。


Visual Studio 预发布版的许可条款分为两类 - 上线和非上线。 Go-Live 许可证的条款与已发布的产品基本相同:一定程度的支持(尽管不是完整的 MS 10 年支持政策),并且对您对使用该预发布版本创建的项目所做的操作没有具体限制. Go-Live 许可证通常用于在正式发布前不久发布的 RC 版本(也称为 RTM)。

但是,非上线许可(例如the one applicable in this case)具有以下条款(强调):


•You may install and use any number of copies of the software solely for evaluation purposes to design, develop and test your programs. If you use the software on Microsoft Azure, additional charges and terms may apply.

You may not deploy or distribute any program you design or develop with the software, except that you may deploy your programs internally solely to evaluate any deployment technologies contained in the software.

You may not test the software in a live operating environment or public website unless Microsoft permits you to do so under another agreement.
