
Lifetime error for returned value of a function


struct FirstStruct
    a:  i8,

impl FirstStruct
     fn get(&self) -> Option<&str>

pub struct SecondStruct<'a>
    pub name:           Option<&'a str>,

impl<'a> SecondStruct<'a>
    fn extract_string(obj: &/*'a*/ FirstStruct) -> Option<&'a str>
        obj.get() //this is where the error happen

    pub fn from_string() -> SecondStruct<'a>
        let obj = FirstStruct{a: 1};
            name:       SecondStruct::extract_string(&obj),

fn main()
    let g_def_res = SecondStruct::from_string();


test2.rs:23:13: 23:18 error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for autoref due to conflicting requirements
test2.rs:23         obj.get() //this is where the error happen
test2.rs:21:5: 24:6 help: consider using an explicit lifetime parameter as shown: fn extract_string(obj: &'a FirstStruct) -> Option<&'a str>
test2.rs:21     fn extract_string(obj: &FirstStruct) -> Option<&'a str>
test2.rs:22     {
test2.rs:23         obj.get() //this is where the error happen
test2.rs:24     }
error: aborting due to previous error


test2.rs:30:55: 30:58 error: `obj` does not live long enough
test2.rs:30             name:       SecondStruct::extract_string(&obj),
test2.rs:27:5: 32:6 note: reference must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 27:4...
test2.rs:27     {
test2.rs:28         let obj = FirstStruct{a: 1};
test2.rs:29         SecondStruct{
test2.rs:30             name:       SecondStruct::extract_string(&obj),
test2.rs:31         }
test2.rs:32     }
test2.rs:28:37: 32:6 note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the block suffix following statement 0 at 28:36
test2.rs:28         let obj = FirstStruct{a: 1};
test2.rs:29         SecondStruct{
test2.rs:30             name:       SecondStruct::extract_string(&obj),
test2.rs:31         }
test2.rs:32     }
error: aborting due to previous error


如何说 FirstStruct::get 的 return 值必须具有 SecondStruct::from_str 的 return 值之一的生命周期 |结构生命周期 'a]?我认为两者指的是同一件事?

pub fn from_string() -> SecondStruct<'a> {
    let obj = FirstStruct { a: 1 };
    SecondStruct {
        name: SecondStruct::extract_string(&obj),

此代码表示 "I will return a SecondStruct with the lifetime 'a"。代码的 caller 确定生命周期 'a 的长度。这几乎不是你想要的!

// Lifetime elision means the method is equivalent to this
// fn get<'a>(&'a self) -> Option<&'a str>

fn get(&self) -> Option<&str> {

此代码使用表示字符串 returned 将与 self 一样长。

把这两个概念放在一起,就可以理解你的错误了。变量 obj 仅定义为在函数调用处于活动状态时有效。但是,您正在尝试 return 对调用之外的结构内部工作的引用!实际上,您正在尝试 return 它 调用者决定的任意生命周期 !这是 Rust 防止你搬起石头砸自己的脚,为 Rust 万岁!

那么你是如何解决你的问题的?对于提供的示例代码,最简单的方法是只使用 'static 生命周期:

struct FirstStruct { a: i8 }

impl FirstStruct {
    fn get(&self) -> Option<&'static str> { Some("aaa") }

pub struct SecondStruct<'a> { name: Option<&'a str> }

impl<'a> SecondStruct<'a> {
    fn extract_string(obj: &FirstStruct) -> Option<&'static str> { obj.get() }

    pub fn from_string() -> SecondStruct<'static> {
        let obj = FirstStruct { a: 1 };
        SecondStruct { name: SecondStruct::extract_string(&obj) }

fn main() {
    let g_def_res = SecondStruct::from_string();

但这可能不是您真正想要的。接下来要尝试的是 embed FirstStruct inside SecondStruct,然后简单地委托给它。另一种选择是从 &str 移动到 String - String 拥有字符串数据,因此您可以将所有权从 First 转移到 Second.

无论您做什么,都必须确保字符串数据的来源比对 from_string.


Either the return value of FirstStruct::get has been allocated on the stack or it has been allocated on the heap.

比这更棘手。 return 值在堆栈上总是 。也就是说,Option<&str> 在堆栈上占据了 space。 &str 可能包含指向在堆栈或堆上分配的内容的指针,此代码不知道。您所知道的是,指向的值保证在该特定 FirstStruct 项目的生命周期内有效。


I can't move FirstStruct because it is from another library (rustc-serialize


Unwrapping Option, updating to a string and rewrapping in Option is a lot of boilerplate.


// fn is just to establish some types, you'd just use the `.map` call in real code
fn foo(a: Option<&str>) -> Option<String> {