Terraform 不同步
Terraform Out Of Sync
我有一个问题,我的 terraform 与部署的不一样,但我不知道为什么。根据我的 git 历史记录,管理 Cognito 用户池的文件自部署以来没有更改,但 terraform 认为它有更改并抱怨更改需要强制使用新资源。
terraform 版本:0.11.7
AWS 提供商版本:1.14.1
我的 Terraform code
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "my_app" {
name = "My App Pool"
/* Fields that can work as aliases */
alias_attributes = [
/* Auto-verify these fields */
auto_verified_attributes = [
/* This is the template used to verify addresses / accounts */
verification_message_template {
default_email_option = "CONFIRM_WITH_CODE"
admin_create_user_config {
allow_admin_create_user_only = false
invite_message_template {
email_message = <<EOF
email_subject = "MyApp"
sms_message = "Welcome to MyApp. Your username: {username} and password: {####} Thank you!"
email_verification_subject = "MyApp's Confirmation Code"
email_verification_message = "Your confirmation code: {####} Thank you."
password_policy {
minimum_length = 8
require_lowercase = true
require_numbers = true
require_symbols = true
require_uppercase = true
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "email"
required = true
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "custom1"
required = false
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "custom2"
required = false
tags {
"name" = "MyApp"
"Project" = "Terraform"
schema.3021841581.attribute_data_type: "String" => "" (forces new resource)
schema.3021841581.developer_only_attribute: "false" => "false"
schema.3021841581.mutable: "true" => "false" (forces new resource)
schema.3021841581.name: "custom1" => "" (forces new resource)
schema.3021841581.number_attribute_constraints.#: "0" => "0"
schema.3021841581.required: "false" => "false"
schema.3021841581.string_attribute_constraints.#: "1" => "0" (forces new resource)
schema.3021841581.string_attribute_constraints.0.max_length: "" => ""
schema.3021841581.string_attribute_constraints.0.min_length: "" => ""
我尝试了 terraform refresh 但它没有用。
通过执行 terraform state show 显示状态中的内容给出此
schema.3021841581.attribute_data_type = String
schema.3021841581.developer_only_attribute = false
schema.3021841581.mutable = true
schema.3021841581.name = custom1
schema.3021841581.number_attribute_constraints.# = 0
schema.3021841581.required = false
schema.3021841581.string_attribute_constraints.# = 1
我知道这可能不太理想,但是有什么方法可以忽略或跳过 Cognito 吗?我不想更改该服务的任何内容,并且为了我们的用户需要保护它。
- 您可以在 plan/apply 操作中使用选项 -target。你应该在这里传递你想要的资源update/create。 Terraform 将限制对该资源的操作。如果您有依赖关系或者您要 update/create 多个资源,您可以根据需要多次使用该选项。
- 如果由于某种原因它不同步,也许您可以针对有问题的资源使用 terraform import 命令。这将尝试引入您已部署的当前配置,但这种方法有一些局限性,并非所有内容都已导入。
我有一个问题,我的 terraform 与部署的不一样,但我不知道为什么。根据我的 git 历史记录,管理 Cognito 用户池的文件自部署以来没有更改,但 terraform 认为它有更改并抱怨更改需要强制使用新资源。
terraform 版本:0.11.7
AWS 提供商版本:1.14.1
我的 Terraform code
resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "my_app" {
name = "My App Pool"
/* Fields that can work as aliases */
alias_attributes = [
/* Auto-verify these fields */
auto_verified_attributes = [
/* This is the template used to verify addresses / accounts */
verification_message_template {
default_email_option = "CONFIRM_WITH_CODE"
admin_create_user_config {
allow_admin_create_user_only = false
invite_message_template {
email_message = <<EOF
email_subject = "MyApp"
sms_message = "Welcome to MyApp. Your username: {username} and password: {####} Thank you!"
email_verification_subject = "MyApp's Confirmation Code"
email_verification_message = "Your confirmation code: {####} Thank you."
password_policy {
minimum_length = 8
require_lowercase = true
require_numbers = true
require_symbols = true
require_uppercase = true
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "email"
required = true
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "custom1"
required = false
schema {
attribute_data_type = "String"
developer_only_attribute = false
mutable = true
name = "custom2"
required = false
tags {
"name" = "MyApp"
"Project" = "Terraform"
schema.3021841581.attribute_data_type: "String" => "" (forces new resource)
schema.3021841581.developer_only_attribute: "false" => "false"
schema.3021841581.mutable: "true" => "false" (forces new resource)
schema.3021841581.name: "custom1" => "" (forces new resource)
schema.3021841581.number_attribute_constraints.#: "0" => "0"
schema.3021841581.required: "false" => "false"
schema.3021841581.string_attribute_constraints.#: "1" => "0" (forces new resource)
schema.3021841581.string_attribute_constraints.0.max_length: "" => ""
schema.3021841581.string_attribute_constraints.0.min_length: "" => ""
我尝试了 terraform refresh 但它没有用。
通过执行 terraform state show 显示状态中的内容给出此
schema.3021841581.attribute_data_type = String
schema.3021841581.developer_only_attribute = false
schema.3021841581.mutable = true
schema.3021841581.name = custom1
schema.3021841581.number_attribute_constraints.# = 0
schema.3021841581.required = false
schema.3021841581.string_attribute_constraints.# = 1
我知道这可能不太理想,但是有什么方法可以忽略或跳过 Cognito 吗?我不想更改该服务的任何内容,并且为了我们的用户需要保护它。
- 您可以在 plan/apply 操作中使用选项 -target。你应该在这里传递你想要的资源update/create。 Terraform 将限制对该资源的操作。如果您有依赖关系或者您要 update/create 多个资源,您可以根据需要多次使用该选项。
- 如果由于某种原因它不同步,也许您可以针对有问题的资源使用 terraform import 命令。这将尝试引入您已部署的当前配置,但这种方法有一些局限性,并非所有内容都已导入。