如何在 typescript 中使用 pact

How to use pact with typescript

我正在尝试使用 typescript 实现 pact-node。 (https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-node)。我遇到了一些问题,生成的错误消息描述性不强。这可能是我在设置中做错了什么,很多在线可用的文档和示例都使用 pact.js 并且存在一些差异。下面是我的代码:

   const path = require('path');
   import { Pact } from '../../../node_modules/@pact-foundation/pact';
   import { Interaction, InteractionObject } from  '../../../node_modules/@pact-foundation/pact';
   import { expect } from 'chai';
   import { afterEach, before, beforeEach, describe, it, after } from 'mocha';
   import { myService } from '../../main/typescript/service/test-service';

    describe('My Pact Test', () => {
    const port = 5428;
    let service: myService;

   const provider = new Pact({
        log: path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'logs', 'pact.log'),
        dir: path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'pacts'),
        spec: 2,
        consumer: 'MyConsumer',
        provider: 'MyProvider',
        pactfileWriteMode: 'merge',

    const EXPECTED_BODY = [{
        'auctionStartTime': 1549652248000,
        'auctionEndTime': 1549911448000,
        'resolveTime': 1539670248000,
        'openTimestamp': 1533496996000,
        'closeTimestamp': 1547804158000,
        'previewStartTime': 1549393048000,

    before(() => provider.setup());

    after(() => provider.finalize());

    afterEach(() => provider.verify());

        describe ('should get items ', () => {
        console.log ('message 1 ');

        before(() => {
            console.log ('message 2');
            return provider.addInteraction({
                state: 'item present in database,
                uponReceiving: 'a request for items',
                withRequest: {
                    method: 'GET',
                    path: 'path_to_my_api_endpoint,
                    headers: {
                        Accept: 'application/json',
                willRespondWith: {
                    status: 200,
                    headers: {
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                    body: EXPECTED_BODY,

        it('returns the correct response', (done) => {
            console.log ('message 3');
            service.getInfo('123', '123')
                .then((response: any) => {

然而,当我尝试 运行 时,出现以下错误:

  1) My Pact Test "before all" hook:
     Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.

  2) My Pact Test "after all" hook:
     Error: Failed to get the current sub/segment from the context.
      at Object.contextMissingRuntimeError [as contextMissing] (node_modules/aws-xray-sdk-core/lib/context_utils.js:21:15)
      at Object.getSegment (node_modules/aws-xray-sdk-core/lib/context_utils.js:92:45)
      at Object.resolveSegment (node_modules/aws-xray-sdk-core/lib/context_utils.js:73:19)
      at captureOutgoingHTTPs (node_modules/aws-xray-sdk-core/lib/patchers/http_p.js:67:31)
      at captureHTTPsRequest (node_modules/aws-xray-sdk-core/lib/patchers/http_p.js:152:12)
      at node_modules/popsicle/src/index.ts:126:30
      at new WrappedPromise (node_modules/async-listener/es6-wrapped-promise.js:13:18)
      at node_modules/popsicle/src/index.ts:112:16
      at propagateAslWrapper (node_modules/async-listener/index.js:502:23)
      at node_modules/async-listener/glue.js:188:31
      at node_modules/async-listener/index.js:539:70
      at node_modules/async-listener/glue.js:188:31
      at <anonymous>

有人知道我做错了什么吗?或者失败了,有没有人有他们如何使用 typescript 实现协议的示例?


您没有使用 https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-js 有什么原因吗?

Pact Node 是一个较低级别的库,可能不太适合您正在做的事情。 Pact JS 是您创建的更高级别的测试 DSL。

那里有一个 TypeScript 示例。

更新:您可能需要增加超时时间,看来您的系统启动模拟服务器的时间超过 2 秒,并且正在失败。

