当我尝试使用 liquidsoap 通过 icecast 流式传输音频时,pls 文件中的 Http 源不起作用

Http source in pls file not working when I try to stream audio through icecast using liquidsoap

我正在使用 liquidsoap 作为 icecast 的源客户端。 我尝试 运行 来自 pls 文件的 http 源代码,但无法正常工作。 当我使用 input.http() 函数时,一切正常。 如何从 pls 文件中读取 http 源代码? 我的例子有什么问题? 这是我的流媒体脚本:

classic_mp3_high_mount = "classic_aac_low"

classic_pls = "./pls/classic.pls"



classic_pls =  playlist.safe(mode="normal", classic_pls);
jingles_pls = playlist.safe(mode="random", jingles_pls);

classic_stream = fallback([classic_request, classic_pls])

aac_low_out = output.icecast(%mp3(bitrate=320),


2018/05/13 16:31:30 [classic(dot)pls:3] Loading playlist...
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [classic(dot)pls:3] No mime type specified, trying autodetection.
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [classic(dot)pls:3] Playlist treated as format audio/x-scpls
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:2] Error when starting classic_aac_low: File "sources/playlist.ml", line 245, characters 8-14: Assertion failed!
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Raised at file "sources/playlist.ml", line 245, characters 8-64
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "sources/playlist.ml", line 492, characters 4-32
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "sources/playlist.ml", line 475, characters 4-23
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "source.ml", line 388, characters 6-29
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "sources/playlist.ml", line 503, characters 4-31
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "operators/switch.ml", line 105, characters 9-45
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "list.ml", line 73, characters 12-15
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "source.ml", line 388, characters 6-29
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "list.ml", line 73, characters 12-15
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "source.ml", line 388, characters 6-29
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "operators/switch.ml", line 105, characters 9-45
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "list.ml", line 73, characters 12-15
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "source.ml", line 388, characters 6-29
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "list.ml", line 73, characters 12-15
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "source.ml", line 388, characters 6-29
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "list.ml", line 73, characters 12-15
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "source.ml", line 388, characters 6-29
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "outputs/output.ml", line 130, characters 4-51
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "source.ml", line 388, characters 6-29
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock.wallclock_main:3] Called from file "clock.ml", line 221, characters 15-40
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [classic_aac_low:1] Got ill-balanced activations (from classic_aac_low)!
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock:2] Error when leaving output classic_aac_low: File "source.ml", line 414, characters 10-16: Assertion failed!
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock:3] Raised at file "source.ml", line 414, characters 10-22
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock:3] Called from file "source.ml", line 421, characters 30-58
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [clock:3] Called from file "clock.ml", line 79, characters 6-25
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [main:3] Shutdown started!
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [main:3] Waiting for threads to terminate...
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [main:3] Threads terminated.
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [threads:3] Shutting down scheduler...
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [threads:3] Scheduler shut down.
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [server:3] Closing socket.
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [main:3] Cleaning downloaded files...
2018/05/13 16:31:30 [main:3] Freeing memory...
2018/05/13 16:31:30 >>> LOG END





当我使用本地路径而不是 http url 时一切正常。


如何使用 Amazon S3 作为文件存储并从 Liquidsoap 访问它?


(tl;dr - 将存储桶挂载为常规目录)