C++/CLI:“ Button^ button1; ”这里的 ^ 是什么意思?

C++/CLI: " Button^ button1; " what is ^ meaning here?

我在 C++/CLI 中创建了一个带有一个按钮和 onClick 事件的 WindowsForm class。我查看了源代码并看到了这个:

public ref class MyForm : public System::Windows::Forms::Form
        //TODO: Add the constructor code here

    /// <summary>
    /// Clean up any resources being used.
    /// </summary>
        if (components)
            delete components;
private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^  button1;


private: System::Void onClickButton1(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {


请问:class中声明按钮(Button^ button1;)时,^运算符是什么意思?

^Handle to Object operator:

The handle declarator (^, pronounced "hat"), modifies the type specifier to mean that the declared object should be automatically deleted when the system determines that the object is no longer accessible.

因此 Button^ 声明了一个指向垃圾收集的 Button 对象的指针,该对象是使用 gcnew 而不是 new:


The ref new aggregate keyword allocates an instance of a type that is garbage collected when the object becomes inaccessible, and that returns a handle (^) to the allocated object.

使用句柄声明符 ^ 声明的变量的行为类似于指向对象的指针。您可以使用 -> 访问该对象的成员。 CLR 垃圾收集器机制决定对象是否不再被使用,是否可以删除,这意味着资源管理变得更容易。与 C++ 中的原始指针不同,当您使用完它们时需要 delete