使用 python 多处理并行化 Monte Carlo 方法时出现问题

Issues when parallelize Monte Carlo method with python Multiprocessing

我想加速 Monte Carlo 方法,该方法基于 Multiprocessing 模块的 numpy 操作。我已阅读 enter link description here 并为某些任务编写了如下代码:

import func1, func2, func3, ... #some manipulations on the SAME numpy ndarray but each of then works independantly returns a independant result
import multiprocessing as mp
if __name__ == '__main__':
   with mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count()) as pool:
   task1 = pool.Process(target=fun1, args(arg1, arg2, ...)
   task2 = pool.Process(target=fun2, args(arg1, arg2, ...)
   task3 = pool.Process(target=fun3, args(arg1, arg2, ...)
   variable1 = task1.join() #In my case, I need to get the returns of these functions
   variable2 = task2.join()
   variable3 = task3.join()


RuntimeError:An attempt has been made to start a new process before the current process has finished its bootstrapping phase.

我真的是这个领域的新手,在我 post 提出这个问题之前苦苦挣扎了好几天。有人可以给我一些建议吗?

当我在 MacOS 上 运行 相同的程序时,我发现了这个 RunTimeError 问题。实际上,这个 RuntimeError 是由于 how Windows 编译 .py 文件的方式造成的。

要纠正这个问题,最简单的方法是将程序主体传递给函数 main()(尽管在我的情况下,它很复杂)然后在 [=13] 中添加 freeze_support() =] 模块。所以它最终看起来像这样: import func1, func2, func3, ... #some manipulations on the SAME numpy ndarray 但每一个都独立工作 returns 一个独立的结果

import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import freeze_support()
def main():
   with mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count()) as pool:
      task1 = pool.Process(target=fun1, args(arg1, arg2, ...)
      task2 = pool.Process(target=fun2, args(arg1, arg2, ...)
      task3 = pool.Process(target=fun3, args(arg1, arg2, ...)
      variable1 = task1.join() #In my case, I need to get the returns of these functions
      variable2 = task2.join()
      variable3 = task3.join()
if __name__ == '__main__':