如何在需要 API 密钥的 Google Apps 脚本中使用外部 API?

How to use an external API in Google Apps Script that requires an API Key?

是否可以在需要 API 密钥的 google 应用程序脚本中使用外部 API?

如何使用 Google Apps 脚本从需要密钥的 API 获取数据?

A​​pps 脚本 UrlFetchApp 可以获取资源并通过 Internet 与其他主机通信。这包括 URL 个带有 API 个键的请求。

这个Using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script to Work with APIs的例子:


function myFunction() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); //get active spreadsheet
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('data'); //get sheet by name from active spreadsheet

  var apiKey = 'Your API Key'; //apiKey for forecast.io weather api
  var long = "-78.395602"; 
  var lat =  "37.3013648";    
  var url = 'https://api.forecast.io/forecast/' + apiKey +"/" + lat +"," + long; //api endpoint as a string 

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url); // get api endpoint
  var json = response.getContentText(); // get the response content as text
  var data = JSON.parse(json); //parse text into json

  Logger.log(data); //log data to logger to check

  var stats=[]; //create empty array to hold data points

  var date = new Date(); //create new date for timestamp

  //The following lines push the parsed json into empty stats array
    stats.push(data.currently.temperature); //temp
    stats.push(data.currently.dewPoint); //dewPoint
    stats.push(data.currently.visibility); //visibility

  //append the stats array to the active sheet 
