
app engine go deploy failed

昨天下午还可以,现在不行了。 我使用 goapp deploy MY_DIR/app.yaml 部署,这是 deploy

02:38 PM Host: appengine.google.com
02:38 PM Application: MY_APP; module: MY_MOD; version: MY_VER
02:38 PM Starting update of app: exp-lkl, module: MY_MOD, version: MY_VER
02:38 PM Getting current resource limits.
02:38 PM Scanning files on local disk.
02:38 PM Scanned 500 files.
02:38 PM Scanned 1000 files.
02:38 PM Cloning 1085 application files.
02:38 PM Compilation starting.
02:38 PM Compilation: 1081 files left.
02:38 PM Compilation completed.
02:38 PM Starting deployment.
02:38 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
02:38 PM Will check again in 1 seconds.
02:38 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
02:38 PM Will check again in 2 seconds.
02:38 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
02:38 PM Will check again in 4 seconds.
02:38 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
02:38 PM Will check again in 8 seconds.
02:38 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
02:38 PM Will check again in 16 seconds.
02:38 PM Checking if deployment succeeded.
02:39 PM Deployment successful.
02:39 PM Checking if updated app version is serving.
02:39 PM Rolling back the update.
Error 500: --- begin server output ---

Server Error

A server error has occurred.

--- end server output ---

2/ 更新go版本(我试过go1.6和go1.8)
3/ 使用 appcfg.py

我终于解决了这个问题。 App Engine 似乎更改了不可构建代码的错误消息。我的项目没有构建,应用引擎之前显示了不可构建代码的路径,但现在应用引擎 returns 500 错误 Error 500: --- begin server output --- <h3>Server Error</h3><p>A server error has occurred.</p> --- end server output ---