通过 netsuite 访问 FTP

Accessing FTP through netsuite

我想在 NetSuite 上安排一个脚本,以从 FTP 位置上传和下载 txt 文件。我可以创建一个文件并将其存储在文件柜中,但这是我所能做到的。

我有点新,完全不知道是否可以从 NetSuite 安排 FTP?

遗憾的是,无法FTP访问 NetSuite。

不过,您可以使用预定脚本或 Web 服务解决该限制。

这是之前的 post,其中包含有关如何启动预定脚本的示例代码:How to upload a file to Netsuite File Cabinet Automatically?

  1. Place your CSV file into a location that is publicly visible(obviously, this only works if it's not sensitive information! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't do this if you don't want the whole world to see it!)
  2. Create a scheduled script in NetSuite. Set the deployment to run daily, at whatever time you deem best
  3. In your scheduled script, use nlapiRequestUrl (NS help doc) to get the file from wherever you placed it (Note that there is a 5mb size limitation!)
  4. Use nlapiCreateFile (NS help doc) to create a file
  5. Use nlapiSubmitFile (NS help doc) to submit it to the file cabinet Sample code:

    var response = nlapiRequestURL('http://yourserver.yourcompany.com/somecsvfile.csv'); var csvDataInBase64 = response.getBody(); var file = nlapiCreateFile('mycsv.csv', 'CSV', csvDataInBase64); nlapiSubmitFile(file);

There is no error checking or anything in that sample, but it should get you started.

在 SuiteScript 2.0 中,您可以使用 N/sftp 模块 upload/download 到 SFTP 位置。这是我为客户使用的一段代码。

            var csvfile = file.create({
                'name': 'transactions.csv',
                'fileType': file.Type.CSV,
                'contents': filecontents

            var conn = sftp.createConnection({
                'username': username,
                'passwordGuid': passwordGuid,
                'url': url,
                'directory': directory,
                'hostKey': hostkey

                'file': csvfile,
                'replaceExisting': true