自定义图例标签 - geopandas.plot()

Custom legend labels - geopandas.plot()

我和一位同事一直在尝试设置自定义图例标签,但到目前为止都失败了。下面的代码和详细信息 - 非常感谢任何想法!

笔记本:toy example uploaded here


问题:无法弄清楚如何访问图例对象或将 legend_kwds 传递给 geopandas.GeoDataFrame.plot()

数据:KCMO metro area counties



# imports
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# read data
gdf = gpd.read_file('kcmo_counties.geojson')

选项 1 - 从 ax 获取图例为 suggested here:

ax = gdf.plot('val', legend=True)
leg = ax.get_legend()
print('legend object type: ' + str(type(leg))) # <class NoneType>

选项 2:传递 legend_kwds 字典 - 我假设我在这里做错了什么(并且显然没有完全理解底层细节),但是 _doc_ 来自 Geopandas's plotting.py - for which GeoDataFrame.plot() is simply a wrapper - 似乎没有通过...

# create number of tick marks in legend and set location to display them
import numpy as np
numpoints = 5
leg_ticks = np.linspace(-1,1,numpoints)

# create labels based on number of tickmarks
leg_min = gdf['val'].min()
leg_max = gdf['val'].max()
leg_tick_labels = [str(round(x*100,1))+'%' for x in np.linspace(leg_min,leg_max,numpoints)]
leg_kwds_dict = {'numpoints': numpoints, 'labels': leg_tick_labels}

# error "Unknown property legend_kwds" when attempting it:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(6,6))
gdf.plot('val', legend=True, ax=ax, legend_kwds=leg_kwds_dict)

更新 刚刚遇到 this conversation on adding in legend_kwds - and this other bug?,它清楚地表明 legend_kwds 不在最新版本的 GeoPandas (v0.3.0) 中。据推测,这意味着我们需要从 GitHub master 源代码进行编译,而不是使用 pip/conda...


我自己也遇到过这个问题。按照您的 link 查看 Geopandas 源代码后,颜色条似乎已作为第二个轴添加到图中。所以你必须做这样的事情来访问颜色条标签(假设你已经用 legend=True 绘制了一个叶绿体):

# Get colourbar from second axis
colourbar = ax.get_figure().get_axes()[1]


# Get numerical values of yticks, assuming a linear range between vmin and vmax:
yticks = np.interp(colourbar.get_yticks(), [0,1], [vmin, vmax])

# Apply some function f to each tick, where f can be your percentage conversion
colourbar.set_yticklabels(['{0:.2f}%'.format(ytick*100) for ytick in yticks])