如何使用 R 从 .docx 文件中提取纯文本

how to extract plain text from .docx file using R

任何人都知道他们可以推荐的任何东西,以便从 .docx 格式的文章中提取纯文本(最好使用 R)?

速度并不重要,我们甚至可以使用具有一些 API 的网站来上传和提取文件,但我一直找不到。我需要提取引言、方法、结果和结论 我想删除摘要、参考文献,特别是图形和 table 谢谢

Pandoc 是解决此类任务的绝妙解决方案。对于名为 a.docx 的文档,您将 运行 在命令行

pandoc -f docx -t markdown -o a.md a.docx

然后您可以使用 R 中的正则表达式工具从新创建的 a.md 中提取您需要的内容,即文本。默认情况下,不转换图像。

顺便说一句,Pandoc 是 RStudio 的一部分,因此您可能已经拥有它。


归根结底,现代 Office 文件格式 (OpenXML) 只是包含结构化 XML 内容的 *.zip 文件,因此如果您的内容结构良好,那么您可能只是想以这种方式打开它。我将从这里开始 (http://officeopenxml.com/anatomyofOOXML.php) and you should be able to unpick the OpenXML SDK for guidance as well (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/bb448854.aspx)


x <- readtext("/path/to/file/myfile.docx")
# x$text will contain the plain text in the file


doc.text <- readtext("test.docx")$text

# Split text into parts using new line character:
doc.parts <- strsplit(doc.text, "\n")[[1]]

# First line in the document- the name of the Journal
journal.name <- doc.parts[1]
# [1] "International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)"

# Similarly we can extract some other parts from a header
issn <-  doc.parts[2]
issue <- doc.parts[3]

# Search for the Abstract:
abstract.loc <- grep("Abstract:", doc.parts)[1]

# Search for the Keyword
Keywords.loc <- grep("Keywords:", doc.parts)[1]

# The text in between these 2 keywords will be abstract text:
abstract.text <- paste(doc.parts[abstract.loc:(Keywords.loc-1)], collapse=" ")

# Same way we can get Keywords text:
Background.loc <- Keywords.loc + grep("1\.", doc.parts[-(1:Keywords.loc)])[1]
Keywords.text <- paste(doc.parts[Keywords.loc:(Background.loc-1)], collapse=" ")
# [1] "Keywords: Nephronophtisis, NPHP1 deletion, NPHP4 mutations, Tunisian patients"

# Assuming that Methods is part 2
Methods.loc <- Background.loc + grep("2\.", doc.parts[-(1:Background.loc)])[1]
Background.text <- paste(doc.parts[Background.loc:(Methods.loc-1)], collapse=" ")

# Assuming that Results is Part 3
Results.loc <- Methods.loc- + grep("3\.", doc.parts[-(1:Methods.loc)])[1]
Methods.text <- paste(doc.parts[Methods.loc:(Results.loc-1)], collapse=" ")

# Similarly with other parts. For example for Acknowledgements section:
Ack.loc <- grep("Acknowledgements", doc.parts)[1]
Ref.loc <- grep("References", doc.parts)[1]
Ack.text <- paste(doc.parts[Ack.loc:(Ref.loc-1)], collapse=" ")
# [1] "6. Acknowledgements We are especially grateful to the study participants. 
# This study was supported by a grant from the Tunisian Ministry of Health and 
# Ministry of Higher Education ...

具体方法取决于您需要搜索的所有文档的共同结构。例如,如果第一部分始终命名为 "Background",您可以使用该词进行搜索。但是,如果这有时是 "Background",有时是 "Introduction",那么您可能想要搜索“1”。模式。

你可以用包 officer:

example_pptx <- system.file(package = "officer", "doc_examples/example.docx")
doc <- read_docx(example_pptx)
summary_paragraphs <- docx_summary(doc)
summary_paragraphs[summary_paragraphs$content_type %in% "paragraph", "text"]
#>  [1] "Title 1"                                                                
#>  [2] "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "              
#>  [3] "Title 2"                                                                
#>  [4] "Quisque tristique "                                                     
#>  [5] "Augue nisi, et convallis "                                              
#>  [6] "Sapien mollis nec. "                                                    
#>  [7] "Sub title 1"                                                            
#>  [8] "Quisque tristique "                                                     
#>  [9] "Augue nisi, et convallis "                                              
#> [10] "Sapien mollis nec. "                                                    
#> [11] ""                                                                       
#> [12] "Phasellus nec nunc vitae nulla interdum volutpat eu ac massa. "         
#> [13] "Sub title 2"                                                            
#> [14] "Morbi rhoncus sapien sit amet leo eleifend, vel fermentum nisi mattis. "
#> [15] ""                                                                       
#> [16] ""                                                                       
#> [17] ""