获取 Java 中两个 BigDecimal 值中较小值的最简单方法

Simplest way to get the lesser of two BigDecimal values in Java

有什么方法可以确定两者中的哪一个 BigDecimal objects is the lower (smaller) number that is simpler than an if or a ternary operator calling BigDecimal::compareTo


BigDecimal x = … ;
BigDecimal y = … ;


if( x.compareTo( y ) < 0 ) {
    return x ;
} else {
    return y ;


BigDecimal lower = ( x.compareTo( y ) < 0 ) ? x : y ;  // If x is smaller than y, use x. If x is greater than or equal to y, use y. 

API支持。参见 BigDecimal.min()


BigDecimal min = x.min(y);