Sqoop 的语法从数据库中存在的 100 个表中导入 5 个 - 不要使用 exclude 关键字?
Syntax to Sqoop import 5 out of 100 tables present in database - don't use exclude keyword?
我在数据库中有 100 个表。
我只想导入 5 个表。
This can be done by shell script.
1)Prepare a input file which has list of 5 DBNAME.TABLENAME
2)The shell script will have this file as input, iterate line by line and execute sqoop statement for each line.
while read line;
DBNAME=`echo $line | cut -d'.' -f1`
tableName=`echo $line | cut -d'.' -f2`
sqoop import -Dmapreduce.job.queuename=$RM_QUEUE_NAME --connect '$JDBC_URL;databaseName=$DBNAME;username=$USERNAME;password=$PASSWORD' --table $tableName --target-dir $DATA_COLLECTOR/$tableName --fields-terminated-by '[=10=]1' -m 1
我在数据库中有 100 个表。 我只想导入 5 个表。 我不能t/don不能使用“--exclude”命令
This can be done by shell script.
1)Prepare a input file which has list of 5 DBNAME.TABLENAME
2)The shell script will have this file as input, iterate line by line and execute sqoop statement for each line.
while read line;
DBNAME=`echo $line | cut -d'.' -f1`
tableName=`echo $line | cut -d'.' -f2`
sqoop import -Dmapreduce.job.queuename=$RM_QUEUE_NAME --connect '$JDBC_URL;databaseName=$DBNAME;username=$USERNAME;password=$PASSWORD' --table $tableName --target-dir $DATA_COLLECTOR/$tableName --fields-terminated-by '[=10=]1' -m 1