如何在 gremlin 控制台中显示图形的复制因子?

How do you display a graph's replication factor in the gremlin-console?

我知道对于 DSE 图,在 gremlin-console 中,您可以创建一个带有复制的图,如下所示

system.graph('graph_name').replication("{'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'dc1' : 3}")


据我所知,目前无法通过 gremlin-console 内的现有界面进行操作。在 5.1.3, there were separate options that was possible to fetch via schema.config().describe(), but they were replaced with replication & systemReplication. Looks like (don't know 100%) that the strings provided via these options could be just passed to corresponding CREATE KEYSPACE commands, so if you have access to cqlsh then you can get replication factor from describe keyspace graph_name. Another possibility is to use Java code to fetch Metadata, and then extract replication factor via getReplication call.
