在 flutter release 模式下,mulity arch cpus 中的一个快照 运行 中的本机代码如何

In flutter release mode, how native code in one snapshot run in mulity arch cpus

我已经使用 dart/flutter 一段时间了,我真的很喜欢它。

我读到在构建移动应用程序时,dart 使用 arm 代码构建本机应用程序。但是如何在多个 arch cpus(如 x86 armeabi-v7、arch64)中的一个快照 运行 中生成本机代码?

一个评论(大约一年前)似乎仍然准确 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/flutter-dev/SD-gkfJQfzE

Currently we provide pre-built --release, --profile and --debug binaries for Android 32-bit ARM and --debug binaries for Android x64 (emulators). A description of --release, etc. modes means is here: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter%27s-modes

We have a bug on file about providing --release/--profile binaries for Android x86: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/9253

Were there other architectures you were looking for?

It's possible to build flutter/engine yourself in various architecture / mode flavors beyond the ones we provide prebuilt for you: https://github.com/flutter/engine/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

问题 9253 仍未解决,因此发布版本目前似乎仅支持 32 位 ARM

这个FAQ解释好像是支持ARMv7和ARM64 https://flutter.io/faq/#what-devices-and-os-versions-does-flutter-run-on

Note Flutter currently does not support building for x86 Android (issue #9253) directly, however apps built for ARMv7 or ARM64 run fine (via ARM emulation on many x86 Android devices.