
Invalid association with one to many


type Store struct {
    StoreID   int    `gorm:"primary_key;AUTO_INCREMENT;not null"`
    Name      string `gorm:"not null"`
    Adress    string `gorm:"not null"`
    Manager   User   `gorm:"not null"`
    ManagerID int    `gorm:"foreignkey:ManagerID;not null"`
    Boxes     []Box

type Box struct {
    BoxID       int `gorm:"primary_key;AUTO_INCREMENT;not null"`
    StoreID     int `gorm:"not null"`
    Items       []Item
    Code        int    `gorm:"type:integer(13)"`
    Description string `gorm:"not null"`

func (s *Store) AddBox(b Box) error {
    err := db.Model(&s).Association("Boxes").Append(&b)
    return err.Error

我正在 运行 测试所述结构及其功能。其中一项测试看起来像这样

func TestStoreAddBox(t *testing.T) {
    b := Box{BoxID: 1}
    err := b.GetDetails()
    if err != nil {
        t.Errorf("Expected no #1 error but got %v", err)
    s := Store{StoreID: 2}
    err = s.GetDetails()
    if err != nil {
        t.Errorf("Expected no #2 error but got %v", err)
    err = s.AddBox(b)
    if err != nil {
        t.Errorf("Expected no #3 error but got %v", err)


--- FAIL: TestStoreAddBox (0.00s)
    db100_test.go:371: Expected no #3 error but got invalid association Boxes for db100.Store


好吧,GORM 文档中的关键是下面这句话:

To define a has many relatinship, foreign key must exists, default foreign key’s name is owner’s type name plus its primary key.



所以我不得不更改 Store 结构 lice 所以

type Store struct {
StoreID   int    `gorm:"primary_key;AUTO_INCREMENT;not null"`
Name      string `gorm:"not null"`
Adress    string `gorm:"not null"`
Manager   User   `gorm:"not null"`
ManagerID int    `gorm:"foreignkey:ManagerID;not null"`
Boxes     []Box  `gorm:"foreignkey:StoreID;association_foreignkey:StoreID"`