咕噜声 - action_unknown 在 pam_slurm_adopt

slurm - action_unknown in pam_slurm_adopt

action_unknown的描述中"source job"指的是什么?

The action to perform when the user has multiple jobs on the node
and the RPC does not locate the **source job**. If the RPC mechanism works
properly in your environment, this option will likely be relevant only
when connecting from a login node. Configurable values are:

newest (default)
Pick the newest job on the node. The "newest" job is chosen based
on the mtime of the job's step_extern cgroup; asking Slurm would
require an RPC to the controller. Thus, the memory cgroup must be in
use so that the code can check mtimes of cgroup directories. The user
can ssh in but may be adopted into a job that exits earlier than the
job they intended to check on. The ssh connection will at least be
subject to appropriate limits and the user can be informed of better
ways to accomplish their objectives if this becomes a problem.

Let the connection through without adoption.

Deny the connection.


slurm_pam_adopt 将尝试将传入的 SSH 会话捕获到与主机上当前 运行ning 作业相对应的 cgroup 中。此选项用于决定当启动 ssh 命令的用户有多个作业 运行ning 时要做什么。

'source job' 是启动 ssh 调用的进程的 jobid。通常,如果您从前端使用交互式 ssh 会话,则没有 'source job',但如果 ssh 命令是来自提交脚本的 运行,则 'source job'就是那个提交脚本对应的