TStream 中的元组到底是什么?

what exactly is tuple in TStream?

这是取自 Apache Edgent Documentation



public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    TempSensor sensor = new TempSensor();
    DirectProvider dp = new DirectProvider();
    Topology topology = dp.newTopology();

    TStream<Double> tempReadings = topology.poll(sensor, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    TStream<Double> simpleFiltered = tempReadings.filter(tuple ->
    simpleFiltered.sink(tuple -> System.out.println("Temperature is out of range! "
            + "It is " + tuple + "\u00b0F!"));




TStream<T> interface 旨在模拟数据流,通常是传感器读数。本例中的 T 是用于存储单个读数的类型,但 'reading' 实际上可以表示多个数字(例如温度、湿度和风速)组合成一个复合类型,通常称为到这里作为值的 'tuple'。

但是,查看您的示例的上下文,我们正在处理一系列简单的温度读数,因此此处 T 对应于 Double 类型的单个数字。所以选择 'tuple' 作为变量名有点令人困惑(从数学上讲,它是一个 1 元组 ,但在这种情况下它只意味着 'a number')。

在您的代码中,filter() 方法接受一个 predicate,这里是

tuple -> !optimalTempRangeRef.get().contains(tuple)

optimalTempRangeRef.get()returns一个Range(Double),所以谓词是说"is our temperature value outside our optimal range?"

来自 Range 的文档:

contains() is used to check for containment: e.g.

 Ranges.closed(2,4).contains(2);    // returns true
 Ranges.open(2,4).contains(2);      // returns false
 Ranges.atLeast(2).contains(2);     // returns true
 Ranges.greaterThan(2).contains(2); // returns false
 Ranges.atMost(2).contains(2);      // returns true
 Ranges.lessThan(2).contains(2);    // returns false


看起来您的 IDE 在使用 Java 8 lambda 语法时遇到问题,因此您可以使用匿名内部 类 重写代码,如下所示:

import org.apache.edgent.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.edgent.function.Consumer;

public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception
    TempSensor sensor = new TempSensor();
    DirectProvider dp = new DirectProvider();
    Topology topology = dp.newTopology();

    TStream<Double> tempReadings = topology.poll( sensor, 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
    TStream<Double> filteredStream = tempReadings.filter( new Predicate<Double>()
        public boolean test( Double reading )
            return !optimalTempRangeRef.get().contains( reading );
    } );

    filteredStream.sink( new Consumer<Double>()
        public void accept( Double reading )
            System.out.println( "Temperature is out of range! "
                                + "It is " + reading + "\u00b0F!" )
    } );


    dp.submit( topology );