Dialogflow actions-on-google:在设置响应之前无法进行 Rest api 调用

Dialogflow actions-on-google: Unable to make Rest api calls before setting the response

我正在尝试使用 nodejs 进行外部 Rest API 调用。我必须先拨打电话,然后为意图设置响应。

但是当我尝试这样做时,它希望在我收到 API 的响应之前设置响应。 使用 V2 版本的 dialogflow 代码。


var sText=" ";
console.log("Token in Welcome: "+conv.user.access.token);
var auth = "Bearer "+ conv.user.access.token;
var snQuery = "api/now/table/sys_user?sysparm_query=sys_id=javascript:gs.getUserID()";
var endpointUrl = baseURL +snQuery;    
console.log("Endpoint user info: "+endpointUrl);

    url : endpointUrl,
    headers : {
      "Authorization" : auth,
      "Accept": "application/json",
      "Content-Type": "application/json" 
function(error, response, body){
        sText=" Sorry! I found some Issue in performing this action, Please try again after some time. ";
        console.log("Entering Error: "+error);
        console.log("Acccess token: "+conv.user.access.token);
        conv.user.storage.UserDetails = JSON.parse(body);
        console.log("SYS ID_Welcome: "+conv.user.storage.UserDetails.result[0].sys_id);
        return asyncTask()
        .then(() =>conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({
              speech: 'Howdy! tell you fun facts about almost any number, like 42. What do you have in mind?',
              text: 'Howdy! tell you fun facts about almost any number, like 42. What do you have in mind?',

//It is expecting my sample response here. Which would execute before my API call starts.
return asyncTask()
.then(() =>conv.ask(new SimpleResponse({
      speech: 'Howdy! tell you fun facts about almost any number, like 42. What do you have in mind?',
      text: 'Howdy! tell you fun facts about almost any number, like 42. What do you have in mind?',


const functions = require('firebase-functions');
process.env.DEBUG = 'actions-on-google:*';
const {dialogflow,SimpleResponse} = require('actions-on-google');
const request = require('request');
const app = dialogflow();

app.intent('Default Welcome Intent',getWelcomeMsg);

function getWelcomeMsg(conv)
   // the above snippet goes here

exports.MyFunctionName = functions.https.onRequest(app);

我已经尝试过节点版本 8.11.2 和 6.10 版本

如果您使用的是 Firebase Cloud Functions,则需要确保您在 paid plans 之一上。如果您使用的是 "Spark" 计划,FCF 仅允许网络连接到其他 Google 服务。您可以升级到 "Blaze" 计划,该计划按使用计费,但包含足以满足大多数开发和轻度使用的免费套餐。

但是,您提到使用 Node 版本 8.11.2 和 6.10。目前,FCF 仅支持 Node 6.14 版本。

您也可以考虑使用 request-promise-native 包而不是 request。在

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