Rxjs:"throw" 语句未被管道 catchError 处理

Rxjs: "throw" statement not being handled by piped catchError

A "authenticationService" 提供了以下身份验证方法。我无法输入管道 catchError。我错过了什么?

authenticate(credentials: { username: string; password: string }){

   return new Observable<any>((observer: Observer<any>) => {

    // ... calling the service, obtaining a promise
    const authenticationPromise = ... ;

    // This is a promise, it must be converted to an Observable
        .then(() => {
        .catch(err => {
          console.log('service error ' + err);
          throw new Error('crap');

将所有 ngrx 和 ngrx/effect 部分放在一边,根据用户请求调用此身份验证方法:

(redux stuff).(({ payload }: actions.LoginRequestAction) =>
      map(() => new GenericSuccessAction(...))
      // Even though a throw statement happened in the authenticate method, this is never reached:
      catchError((err: Error) => {
        console.log('[debug] error caught: ', err);
        return of(new actions.LoginFailureAction());

As stated here, catchError is used to:

Gracefully handle errors in an observable sequence.

首先,您基本上是通过捕获承诺中的错误来处理承诺中的错误。在 promise 中抛出错误不会 return 一个发出错误的可观察对象。


  1. 将您的 promise 转换为 observable 并且完全不使用 .catch
  2. Return 使用 rxjs 可观察到的错误 throwError(err)

无论哪种方式,您创建 observable 的方式都值得怀疑。

这是在 rxjs 中处理 promise 的一种更好、更简洁的方法:

         map(() => 'ok')