
Setting the strategy in a Strategy Pattern


背景故事: 我已经对货运提供商进行了两 (2) 次实施(soap + http),以便检索用户输入前端的跟踪信息。它们每个都遵循一个界面,以便我知道哪些功能是并且应该 (PHP :3) 可用。我缩短了下面的 class 名称,因为这是 Magento 并且 class 名称很长。

流程: 客户在表单中输入跟踪号并提交。请求被发送到控制器,控制器初始化一个服务实例class,通过设置输出。 $service->setOutput('tracking/service_gls') - 注意 tracking/service_gls 直接映射到服务 class (Magento 的东西), $service->getDeliveryInformation($number) 被调用(我们知道这是因为接口而存在),整个 $service 对象返回到视图并显示数据。

我的挑战: 我正在使用 switch case 来设置 tracking/service_gls 和 tracking/service_otherservice,然后调用 getDeliveryInformation()。这是正确的方法吗?如果有人想连接另一个运输提供商,我觉得它有点过于静态且难以维护。他们将不得不进入控制器并手动向 switch case 添加另一个条目,在 class.

中某处 200 行的函数中


public function getDeliveryInformationAction()
    $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id', false);
    if ($id && $this->getRequest()->isAjax())
        // SO note: service parameter is just two radio buttons with values "gls", "otherservice"
        $serviceType = $this->getRequest()->getParam('service', false);

            // SO note: same as doing new Class()
            $service = Mage::getModel('tracking/service');

            switch ($serviceType)
                case 'gls':

                case 'other':

            $shipment = $service->getDeliveryInformation($id);

            $output = // .. create block that contains the view, $output will contain the shipment data; this is returned to the ajax request.
        catch (Exception_RequestError $e)

        // finally
        $this->getResponse()->setHeader('content-type', 'text/html', true);



interface Output
    /* Requests delivery information for the specified tracking number */
    public function getDeliveryInformation($number);

    * Returns acceptor name
    * @return string
    public function getAcceptorName();

服务 class 处理来自运输模型的请求数据

class Service
    protected $output;

     * Sets the output model to use
     * @param string $outputType
    public function setOutput($outputModel)
        // SO note: same as doing new Class()
        // Magento people note: getModel() works fine tho.. ;-)
        $modelInstance = Mage::app()->getConfig()->getModelInstance($outputModel);
        $this->output = $modelInstance;

     * Returns delivery information for the specified tracking number
     * @param string $number
     * @return instance of output class
    public function getDeliveryInformation($number)
        // SO note: This makes the shipping class request
        // information and set data internally on the object
        return $this->output;


class Service_Gls implements Output
    const SERVICE_NAME = 'GLS';
    const SERVICE_URL = 'http://www.gls-group.eu/276-I-PORTAL-WEBSERVICE/services/Tracking/wsdl/Tracking.wsdl';

    protected $locale = 'da_DK';

    /* Class constructor */
    public function __construct() { }

     * Requests delivery information for the specified tracking number
     * @param mixed $number
    public function getDeliveryInformation($number)

     * Requests and sets information for the specified tracking number
     * @param mixed $number
    private function _getDeliveryInformation($number)
        // SO note: Extending from Varien_Object has magic __get, __set .. hence why there is no getData() function in this class.
        if (!count($this->getData()))
            $client = new SoapClient($url);

            .. set data

     * Returns acceptor name
     * @return string
    public function getAcceptorName()
        $signature = $this->getSignature();
        return (isset($signature)) ? $this->getSignature() : false;

     * Returns the name of the current service
     * @return string
    public function __toString()
        return self::SERVICE_NAME;


class AjaxController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
    public function getDeliveryInformationAction()
        $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id', false);
        if ($id && $this->getRequest()->isAjax())
            // SO note: service parameter is just two radio buttons with values "gls", "otherservice"
            $serviceType = $this->getRequest()->getParam('service', false);
                $service = Mage::getModel('tracking/service');

                switch ($serviceType)
                    case 'gls':

                    case 'other':

                $shipment = $service->getDeliveryInformation($id);

                $output = // .. create block that contains the view, $output will contain the shipment data; this is returned to the ajax request.
            catch (Exception_RequestError $e)

            // finally
            $this->getResponse()->setHeader('content-type', 'text/html', true);

好吧,您可以通过开关或某种字符串连接来实现 return 您需要的策略 class。

使用策略模式,在 运行 时间选择正确的策略通常是通过 StrategyContext 模式完成的:https://sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/strategy/php。这允许您隔离算法以选择正确的策略,因此它不是 "in a function somewhere 200 lines deep in the class." .

至于设置 运行 时间策略的算法,我个人更喜欢 class 常量而不是字符串操作等。因为游戏的目标是达到 class 要实例化的名称,为什么不只是一个 class 常量到 return class 名称。

class OutputStrategyContext{
    const SERVICE = 'tracking/service_gls';
    const OTHER = 'tracking/service_other';

    private $strategy;

    public function __construct($serviceType)
        $strategy = constant('self::' . strtoupper($serviceType));
        $modelInstance = Mage::app()->getConfig()->getModelInstance($strategy);
        $this->strategy = $modelInstance;

    public function getStrategy()
        return $this->strategy;




class AjaxController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
    public function getDeliveryInformationAction()
        $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id', false);
        if ($id && $this->getRequest()->isAjax())
            // SO note: service parameter is just two radio buttons with values "gls", "otherservice"
            $serviceType = $this->getRequest()->getParam('service', false);
                $service = Mage::getModel('tracking/service');
                $outputModel = new OutputStrategyContext($serviceType)->getStrategy();

                $shipment = $service->getDeliveryInformation($id);

                $output = // .. create block that contains the view, $output will contain the shipment data; this is returned to the ajax request.
            catch (Exception_RequestError $e)

            // finally
            $this->getResponse()->setHeader('content-type', 'text/html', true);

当然要修改服务了。我还为您的代码修改了上下文 class。

class Service
    protected $output;

     * Sets the output model to use
     * @param string $outputType
    public function setOutput($outputModel)
        // SO note: same as doing new Class()
        // Magento people note: getModel() works fine tho.. ;-)
        $this->output = $outputModel;

     * Returns delivery information for the specified tracking number
     * @param string $number
     * @return instance of output class
    public function getDeliveryInformation($number)
        // SO note: This makes the shipping class request
        // information and set data internally on the object
        return $this->output;