在 Fortran 中定义具有非连续索引的数组

Defining an Array with Non-Consecutive Indices in Fortran

Is it possible to define an array with non-consecutive indices in Fortran 90?

以下代码returns出错(Error: The module or main program array 'test' at (1) must have constant shape):

program example
  implicit none
  integer, dimension((/1,3/)) :: test



module WeirdArray
  implicit none

  type, public :: Warray
    integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: indeces
    real, dimension(:), allocatable :: vals
    procedure, pass :: init
    procedure, pass :: get
    procedure, pass :: set
  end type

  subroutine init(this, i, v)
    class(warray), intent(out) :: this
    integer, dimension(:) :: i
    real, dimension(size(i)) :: v
    this%indeces = i
    this%vals = v
  end subroutine init

  function get(this, indx) result(x)
    class(warray), intent(in) :: this
    integer, intent(in) :: indx
    real :: x
    integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: p
    integer :: i
    p = pack([(i,i=1,size(this%indeces))],this%indeces==indx)
    x = this%vals( p(1) )
  end function get

  subroutine set(this, indx, x)
    class(warray), intent(inout) :: this
    integer, intent(in) :: indx
    real, intent(in) :: x
    integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: p
    integer :: i
    p = pack([(i,i=1,size(this%indeces))],this%indeces==indx)
    this%vals( p(1) ) = x
  end subroutine set  

end module WeirdArray


program main
  use weirdArray
  implicit none

  type(Warray) :: wa

  call wa%init([5,12], [10.0, 24.0])

  write(*,*) wa%get(5)
  call wa%set(5, 3.14)
  write(*,*) wa%get(5)
  write(*,*) wa%get(12)

end program main