
Why does a cached thread pool create two threads, and why does shutting it down change that?

这是我的 java 代码。

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;

class ExceptionThread2 implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
        System.out.println("run() by " + t);
        System.out.println("eh = " + t.getUncaughtExceptionHandler());
        throw new RuntimeException();

class MyUncaughtExceptionHandler implements Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
    public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
        System.out.println("caught " + e);

class HandlerThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
    public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
        System.out.println(this + " creating new Thread ");
        Thread t = new Thread(r);
        System.out.println("created " + t);
        t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new MyUncaughtExceptionHandler());
        System.out.println("eh = " + t.getUncaughtExceptionHandler());
        return t;

public class CaptureUncaughtException {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new HandlerThreadFactory());
        exec.execute(new ExceptionThread2());


com.concurrent.example.HandlerThreadFactory@7f31245a creating new Thread
created Thread[Thread-0,5,main]
eh = com.concurrent.example.MyUncaughtExceptionHandler@6d6f6e28
run() by Thread[Thread-0,5,main]
eh = com.concurrent.example.MyUncaughtExceptionHandler@6d6f6e28
com.concurrent.example.HandlerThreadFactory@7f31245a creating new Thread
created Thread[Thread-1,5,main]
eh = com.concurrent.example.MyUncaughtExceptionHandler@2870fdbb
caught java.lang.RuntimeException

当我取消注释 //exec.shutdown() 时,结果不同。只创建了一个线程。

com.concurrent.example.HandlerThreadFactory@7f31245a creating new Thread
created Thread[Thread-0,5,main]
eh = com.concurrent.example.MyUncaughtExceptionHandler@6d6f6e28
run() by Thread[Thread-0,5,main]
eh = com.concurrent.example.MyUncaughtExceptionHandler@6d6f6e28
caught java.lang.RuntimeException



exec.execute(new ExceptionThread2());



在这种情况下,线程池会创建另一个 worker 来替换死掉的 worker,因此您会看到两条 created 消息,但只有一条 run() 消息


 * 1. We may start out with an initial task, in which case we
 * don't need to get the first one. Otherwise, as long as pool is
 * running, we get tasks from getTask. If it returns null then the
 * worker exits due to changed pool state or configuration
 * parameters.  Other exits result from exception throws in
 * external code, in which case completedAbruptly holds, which
 * usually leads processWorkerExit to replace this thread.

 final void runWorker(Worker w)
  • Other exits result from exception throws in external code, in which case completedAbruptly holds, which usually leads processWorkerExit to replace this thread

