使用 QString 和 QByteArray 的 QDataStream 问题

Issues with QDataStream using QString and QByteArray

QByteArray ba;
QDataStream ds(&ba,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
ds<<quint8(1)<<quint16(2)<<quint32(3);  //1+2+4
qDebug()<<"size:"<<ba.size();   // 7


QByteArray ba;
QDataStream ds(&ba,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QString s="a";
ds<<quint8(1)<<quint16(2)<<quint32(3)<<s;  //1+2+4+a
qDebug()<<"size:"<<ba.size();   // 13

如果一个QString的size是1,ba的size加6,这是为什么呢? sizeof(QString) 是 4。

通过检查 Qt Documentation for QDatastream,如何存储和检索字符串:

a char * string is written as a 32-bit integer equal to the length of the string including the '[=10=]' byte, followed by all the characters of the string including the '[=10=]' byte. When reading a char * string, 4 bytes are read to create the 32-bit length value, then that many characters for the char * string including the '[=10=]' terminator are read.

所以在你的情况下,字符串长度为 32 位 + "a" 为 1 字节 + \0 为 1 字节,总计为 6 个字节。



为此,让我们回顾一下 source code:

QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QString &str)
    if (out.version() == 1) {
        out << str.toLatin1();
    } else {
        if (!str.isNull() || out.version() < 3) {
            if ((out.byteOrder() == QDataStream::BigEndian) == (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::BigEndian)) {
                out.writeBytes(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(str.unicode()), sizeof(QChar) * str.length());
            } else {
                QVarLengthArray<ushort> buffer(str.length());
                const ushort *data = reinterpret_cast<const ushort *>(str.constData());
                for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
                    buffer[i] = qbswap(*data);
                out.writeBytes(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer.data()), sizeof(ushort) * buffer.size());
        } else {
            // write null marker
            out << (quint32)0xffffffff;
    return out;

该方法使用writeBytes()方法, 并根据 docs:

QDataStream &QDataStream::writeBytes(const char *s, uint len)

Writes the length specifier len and the buffer s to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.

The len is serialized as a quint32, followed by len bytes from s. Note that the data is not encoded.

即除了写入数据外,写入quint32格式的文本长度(4字节),缓冲区长度等于sizeOf(QChar) x length of the QString.


      x00\x00\x00\x02          \x00""a
      ---------------          -------
  numbers of bytes of buffer    buffer


length stored data = 4 + 2 x length of string