为什么在 Jenkins 2.124 上找不到 s3Upload 构建步骤

Why is the s3Upload build step not found on Jenkins 2.124

我正在尝试在声明性管道中使用 s3Upload 步骤,但出现错误:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 's3Upload' found among steps

The docs indicate 这一步应该是基本安装(核心)的一部分,但也许我缺少一个插件?我尝试了 pipeline-aws-stepss3publisher 插件,但都不支持我想使用的文档中的 managedArtifacts 行为。


pipeline {
agent any

stages {

    // checkout, build, archive... removed for brevity

    stage('Publish') {
        steps {
            s3Upload(profileName: 'build',
                dontWaitForConcurrentBuildCompletion: true,
                consoleLogLevel: 'INFO',
                pluginFailureResultConstraint: 'FAILURE',
                entries: [
                    bucket: 'measurabl-build',
                    sourceFile: config.npmOutputPath,
                    selectedRegion: 'us-west-2',
                    noUploadOnFailure: true,
                    uploadFromSlave: false,
                    managedArtifacts: true,
                    flatten: false,
                    gzipFiles: true
                userMetadata: [
                    [key: 'gitCommit', value: env.GIT_COMMIT],
                    [key: 'gitPreviousCommit', value: env.GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT],
                    [key: 'gitLastSuccessfulBuildCommit', value: env.GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT],
                    [key: 'gitBranch', value: env.GIT_BRANCH],
                    [key: 'gitRepo', value: env.GIT_URL],
                    [key: 'buildUrl', value: env.BUILD_URL]


似乎Pipeline steps reference documentation是错误的,s3Upload步骤不是Jenkins核心的一部分。

要获得此功能,请安装此处的 s3 插件 (S3 Publisher):https://plugins.jenkins.io/s3