nameof 与泛型

nameof with Generics

我正在试验 nameof 泛型。我没有得到预期的结果。我不确定这是否是规范的一部分。

class MainClass
    public static void Main (string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine ($"Hello { nameof(FooBar<string>)! }");

class FooBar<T> { }


Hello FooBar!



class MainClass
    public static void Main (string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine ($"Hello { nameof(Do<string>) }");

    public static T Do<T>() {}

Error CS8084: An argument to nameof operator cannot be method group with type arguments (CS8084) (foo)

这是因为 nameof 是一个编译时构造,而泛型是在运行时初始化的类型吗?还是有其他限制?

I would expect some details about the type parameters


Result of nameof. The result of nameof depends on the symbols that its argument bound to:

One or more members: if all members have the same metadata name then the result of nameof is that name; otherwise it is an error "This argument refers to multiple elements with different names". The metadata name of a member IorI< isA1...AK>` is simply "I" after standard identifier transformations have been applied.

由于标准标识符转换(C# 规范中的第 2.4.2 节)不允许 <> 作为有效标识符,因此删除了 <T> 参数。首先删除任何前导 @,然后转换 Unicode 转义序列,然后删除所有格式字符。这当然仍然发生在编译时。当您尝试打印泛型类型的名称时,您也可以看到这一点:




Is this because nameof is a compile-time construct and generics are types initialized at runtime? Or is there some other limitation?

第二个错误在设计上被指定为无效,以避免 nameof:


Allow generic type arguments? Presumably 'yes' when naming a type since that's how expression binding already works. And presumably 'no.' when naming a method-group since type arguments are used/inferred during overload resolution, and it would be confusing also to have to deal with that in nameof.

我们可以在 roslyn 代码库中清楚地看到:

private BoundExpression BindNameofOperatorInternal(InvocationExpressionSyntax node, 
                                                   DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
    CheckFeatureAvailability(node.GetLocation(), MessageID.IDS_FeatureNameof, diagnostics);

    var argument = node.ArgumentList.Arguments[0].Expression;
    string name = "";

    // We relax the instance-vs-static requirement for top-level member access expressions by creating a NameofBinder binder.
    var nameofBinder = new NameofBinder(argument, this);
    var boundArgument = nameofBinder.BindExpression(argument, diagnostics);

    if (!boundArgument.HasAnyErrors && CheckSyntaxForNameofArgument(argument, out name, diagnostics) && boundArgument.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup)
        var methodGroup = (BoundMethodGroup)boundArgument;
        if (!methodGroup.TypeArgumentsOpt.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
            // method group with type parameters not allowed
            diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NameofMethodGroupWithTypeParameters, argument.Location);
            nameofBinder.EnsureNameofExpressionSymbols(methodGroup, diagnostics);

    return new BoundNameOfOperator(node, boundArgument, ConstantValue.Create(name), Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String));
