从 zip 文件中的 csv 创建 Dataframe

Create Dataframe from a csv inside a zip file

我正在尝试读取 pandas 数据框中的 WGIData.csv 文件。 WGIData.csv 存在于我从中下载的 zip 文件中 url


但是当我尝试读取时,它抛出错误 BadZipFile: 文件不是 zip 文件

这是我的 python 代码

import pandas as pd
from urllib.request import urlopen
from zipfile import ZipFile

class Get_Data():

    def Return_csv_from_zip(self, url):
        self.zip = urlopen(url)
        self.myzip = ZipFile(self.zip)
        self.myzip = self.zip.extractall(self.myzip)
        self.file = pd.read_csv(self.myzip)

        return self.file

url = 'http://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/WGI_csv.zip'
data = Get_Data()
df = data.Return_csv_from_zip(url)

urlopen() 没有 return 您可以发送到 ZipFile() 的对象 (HTTPResponse)。您可以 read() 响应并使用 io.BytesIO() 执行您需要的操作:

In []:
from io import BytesIO

z = urlopen('http://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/WGI_csv.zip')
myzip = ZipFile(BytesIO(z.read())).extract('WGIData.csv')

     Country Name Country Code                                     Indicator Name    Indicator Code       1996  \
0        Anguilla          AIA                    Control of Corruption: Estimate            CC.EST        NaN   
1        Anguilla          AIA           Control of Corruption: Number of Sources         CC.NO.SRC        NaN   
2        Anguilla          AIA             Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank        CC.PER.RNK        NaN   
3        Anguilla          AIA  Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank, Lower ...  CC.PER.RNK.LOWER        NaN   
4        Anguilla          AIA  Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank, Upper ...  CC.PER.RNK.UPPER        NaN   
5        Anguilla          AIA              Control of Corruption: Standard Error        CC.STD.ERR        NaN   