单击时在 Galleria 中交换图像
Swap Images in Galleria on click
嗯,想通了。我在 Galleria.run 函数中使用了它。
extend: function(options) {
Galleria.log(this) // the gallery instance
Galleria.log(options) // the gallery options
// listen to when an image is shown
this.bind('image', function(e) {
Galleria.log(e) // the event object may contain custom objects, in this case the main image
Galleria.log(e.imageTarget) // the current image
// lets make galleria open a lightbox when clicking the main image:
$(e.imageTarget).click(this.proxy(function() {
if (e.imageTarget.src.includes("Old")) {
e.imageTarget.src = e.imageTarget.src.replace("-Old.png", ".png");
} else {
e.imageTarget.src = e.imageTarget.src.replace(".png", "-Old.png");
//e.imageTarget.src = "../images/Games/TheVoid/MenuScreen-Old.png";
嗯,想通了。我在 Galleria.run 函数中使用了它。
extend: function(options) {
Galleria.log(this) // the gallery instance
Galleria.log(options) // the gallery options
// listen to when an image is shown
this.bind('image', function(e) {
Galleria.log(e) // the event object may contain custom objects, in this case the main image
Galleria.log(e.imageTarget) // the current image
// lets make galleria open a lightbox when clicking the main image:
$(e.imageTarget).click(this.proxy(function() {
if (e.imageTarget.src.includes("Old")) {
e.imageTarget.src = e.imageTarget.src.replace("-Old.png", ".png");
} else {
e.imageTarget.src = e.imageTarget.src.replace(".png", "-Old.png");
//e.imageTarget.src = "../images/Games/TheVoid/MenuScreen-Old.png";