model.predict 在使用 TensorflowJS 时不是函数

model.predict is not a function while using TensorflowJS




根据文档,它应该 return 一个包含预测的对象。但是,我总是收到 is not a function 错误。下面是我的一段代码。

constructor() {
    console.time('Loading of model');
    this.mobileNet = new MobileNet();
    console.timeEnd('Loading of model');

const result = tfc.tidy(() => {

    // tfc.fromPixels() returns a Tensor from an image element.
    const raw = tfc.fromPixels(this.CANVAS).toFloat();
    const cropped = this.cropImage(raw);
    const resized = tfc.image.resizeBilinear(cropped, [this.IMAGE_SIZE, this.IMAGE_SIZE])

    // Normalize the image from [0, 255] to [-1, 1].
    const offset = tfc.scalar(127);
    const normalized = resized.sub(offset).div(offset);

    // Reshape to a single-element batch so we can pass it to predict.
    const batched = normalized.expandDims(0);


    // Make a prediction through mobilenet.
    return this.mobileNet.model.predict(batched).dataSync();

编辑 包含模型代码

import * as tfc from '@tensorflow/tfjs-core';
import { loadFrozenModel } from '@tensorflow/tfjs-converter';

const MODEL_URL = '/assets/project-gaea/models/web_model.pb';
const WEIGHTS_URL = '/assets/project-gaea/models/weights_manifest.json';

const INPUT_NODE_NAME = 'input';
const OUTPUT_NODE_NAME = 'MobilenetV1/Predictions/Reshape_1';
const PREPROCESS_DIVISOR = tfc.scalar(255 / 2);

export default class MobileNet {
    constructor() { }

    async loadMobilenet() {
        this.model = await loadFrozenModel(MODEL_URL, WEIGHTS_URL);

loadFrozenModel() returns 一个 FrozenModel,而不是 tf.model,所以你可以在这个 example 中看到,FrozenModels 使用 execute()预测()