
How to handle multiple errors in promise chain?

我使用 AWS Amplify 进行身份验证并使用 Stripe 进行支付以创建注册页面。

问题:我找不到将电子邮件和密码部分(来自 AWS Amplify)的验证与支付信息部分(来自 Stripe)的验证相结合的方法。

我当前的代码创建了一个 Stripe 令牌并调用 API(使用有效的支付信息)然后处理来自 userSignupRequest 的错误消息,它处理电子邮件和密码字段。

如何使用付款信息验证电子邮件和密码,然后在 AWS 和 Stripe 中创建帐户?

  // Stripe payment process
      email: this.state.email
  ).then(result => {
    // PROBLEM: Form server validation from Stripe
      return this.setState({ errors: { errorMsg: result.error.message }, isLoading: false })

    // if success, create customer and subscription with result.token.id
    const apiName = 'NameOfAPI';
    const path = '/stripe/signup';
    let myInit = {
      body: {
        "stripeToken": result.token.id,
        "email": this.state.email

    API.post(apiName , path, myInit).then(reponse => {
      this.props.userSignupRequest(this.state.email, this.state.password, reponse).then(user => {
          confirmAccount: true,
          isLoading: false,
          userEmail: this.state.email,
          errors: {}
      }).catch(err => {
        // PROBLEM: Form server validation 
        this.setState({ errors: { errorMsg: err.message }, isLoading: false })

    }).catch(err => {
      this.setState({ errors: { errorMsg: err }, isLoading: false })


看来我们的堆栈非常相似。我的解决方案是在服务器端处理所有事情。您需要为您的 lambda 函数授予访问 Cognito 的适当 IAM 权限。下面的代码有点长。我使用 async/await,它确实为我清理了一切。不过,您需要将 Lambda 与节点 8 一起使用才能使用 async/await。

我验证所有内容都与客户端的正确格式匹配(即电子邮件确实是电子邮件,密码长度正确)。我意识到唯一可能出现的错误是来自 Cognito 的 "existing user" 错误。这个想法是:在尝试用 Stripe 注册用户之前测试用户是否存在。如果用户的信用卡对 Stripe 有效,则无法 "test"。全有或全无。如果有效,它将通过,否则,您将收到错误消息。如果成功,您就可以使用 Cognito 注册用户,知道您不应该收到错误(您已经在客户端验证了电子邮件和密码,并且您知道该用途尚不存在)。

供参考,这里是 aws-sdk for cognito

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const cognito = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider({
  region: "region",
  userPoolId: "cognito_user_pool_id",

module.exports.signUpUser = (payload) => {
  const usernamePayload = {
    UserPoolId: "cognito_user_pool_id",
    Username: payload.email,

  // I use emails for usernames.

    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      cognito.adminGetUser(usernamePayload, (error, response) => {
        if (error && error.code === 'UserNotFoundException') {
        } else if (error) {
        } else {
          // if adminGetUser doesn't fail, it means the username exists
    }).then((usernameExists) => {
      if (!usernameExists) {
        // run stripe API stuff
        // always run before sign up below to catch stripe errors
        // and return those errors to client
        // before you sign up the user to Cognito

        // since you've already verified the user does not exist
        // it would be rare for an error to come up here
        // as long as you validate passwords and emails client-side
        const signUpPayload = {
          ClientId: "cognito_user_pool_client_id",
          Username: payload.email,
          Password: payload.password,
          UserAttributes: [
              Name: 'email',
              Value: payload.email,

          new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            cognito.signUp(signUpPayload, (error, response) => {
              if (error) {
              } else {
          }).catch((error) => {
            // you should hopefully encounter no errors here
            // once you get everything setup correctly
      } else {
        // means username already exists, send error to client
        // saying username exists
    }).catch((error) => {
      // may want to dispatch this error to client

  return null;