Eclipse 以与源文件夹不同的颜色显示其中一个源文件夹 (src/test) - src/main?

Eclipse displaying one of the source folder (src/test) in different color compared to source folder - src/main?

拜托,谁能告诉我 Eclipse 描述的 (1) 和 (2) 附图之间有什么区别?


此功能是在 Eclipse 4.8 中引入的,用于指示源文件夹包含测试代码。

参见 New and Noteworthy,"Test sources" 部分对其进行了更详细的描述。


Test source folders and dependencies are shown with a darker icon in the build path settings, the package explorer and other locations. This can be disabled in Preferences > Java > Appearance