错误消息“"index" argument is expected to be a number, but it was number”不清楚

The Error message ""index" argument is expected to be a number, but it was number" is unclear


  68    let selected
  69    if( params.includes('-RB') ){
  70         let books = Selector('.actions > .link-learn > div').withText('VIEW PRODUCT')
  71         const index = books.count
  72         selected = books.nth( Math.floor(Math.random() * index) );
  73     }

testcafe 在第 72 行提出以下投诉。

 "index" argument is expected to be a number, but it was number.




const index = await books.count

如果没有 await,您将获得一个 Promise 包装器而不是实际的 count 属性。在下一行中,Promise 在 Math.random() * index 表达式中变为 NaN(不是数字)。类型验证失败,因为 NaN 不是有效数字,但在 JavaScript 中 NaN 属于 number 类型,在错误消息中报告。这就是为什么错误报告有愚蠢的 expected to be a number, but it was number 消息。
