多边形旋转角度 javascript

Rotation of polygon by angle javascript

我想旋转多边形 我有这样的多边形数组 [ [-17.999999999999986, 587.25], [-14, 197.25], [544, 169.25], [554, 551.25] ]


function getCentroid(coord) {
    var center = coord.reduce(function (x,y) {
        return [x[0] + y[0]/coord.length, x[1] + y[1]/coord.length] 
    }, [0,0])
    return center;


function rotate(CX, CY, X, Y, angle) {
    var rad = angle * (Math.PI / 180.0);
    var nx = Math.cos(rad) * (X-CX) - Math.sin(rad) * (Y-CY) + CX;
    var ny = Math.sin(rad) * (X-CX) + Math.cos(rad) * (Y-CY) + CY;
    return [nx,ny];

问题是每次我旋转多边形时它都会变大。 也许我的公式有问题,但是很多程序员都在使用这个公式。


你标记了 svg.js 所以我假设你正在使用它。 所以这就是我的做法。

// assuming that you have a div with the id "canvas" here
var canvas = SVG('canvas')

var angle = 20

// draw polygon
var polygon = canvas.polygon([ [-18, 587.25], [-14, 197.25], [544, 169.25], [554, 551.25] ])

// we clone it so we have something to compare 
var clone = polygon.clone()

// get center of polygon
var box = polygon.bbox()
var {cx, cy} = box

// get the values of the points
var rotatedPoints = polygon.array().valueOf().map((p) => {

  // transform every point
  var {x, y} = new SVG.Point(p)
    .transform(new SVG.Matrix().rotate(angle, cx, cy))

  return [x, y]

// update polygon with points

Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Fuzzy/3qzubk5y/1/


function getCentroid(coord) {
    var center = coord.reduce(function (x,y) {
        return [x[0] + y[0]/coord.length, x[1] + y[1]/coord.length] 
    }, [0,0])
    return center;

var canvas = SVG("canvas")
var points = [ [-18, 587.25], [-14, 197.25], [544, 169.25], [554, 551.25] ]
var center = getCentroid(points)
var angle = 20

// polygon before rotation

// get the values of the points
var rotatedPoints = points.map((p) => {

  // transform every point
  var {x, y} = new SVG.Point(p)
    .transform(new SVG.Matrix().rotate(angle, center[0], center[1]))

  return [x, y]

// polygon after rotation

Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Fuzzy/g90w10gg/

所以既然你的质心函数似乎工作,你的错误一定是在你的旋转函数的某个地方。但是,我更喜欢在有库的情况下使用库的功能。无需重新发明 weel :)

// 编辑: 我对你的质心函数做了一些改进,这样变量命名就更清楚了:

function getCentroid(coord) {
    var length = coord.length
    var center = coord.reduce(function (last, current) {
        last.x += current[0] / length
        last.y += current[1] / length
        return last
    }, {x: 0, y: 0})

    return center;