哪些 .NET Framework 版本支持 Span<T> 的运行时增强功能?

What .NET Framework versions support the runtime enhancements for Span<T>?

我知道 Span<T> 可以作为 Nuget 包在 .NET Framework 上使用。 There have been JIT upgrades to .NET Core to improve performance of Span<T> to nearly standard array performance.

哪些 .NET Framework 版本支持这些对 Span<T> 性能的运行时增强?

直到 .NET 4.7.1 才出现。摘自 here:

Note: The changes described here landed after the release fork for .NET Core 2.0 was created, so they are available in daily preview builds but not the released 2.0 bits. Similarly, these changes landed after the fork for .NET Framework 4.7.1 was created. The changes to struct argument passing and block layout, which are purely JIT changes, will automatically propagate to subsequent .NET Framework releases with the new JIT bits (the RyuJIT sources are shared between .NET Core and .NET Framework); the other changes depend on their runtime components to propagate to .NET Framework.


Improvements for Span

Some of our work was motivated by the introduction of Span, so that it and similar types could better deliver on their performance promises.

One such change was #10910, which made the JIT recognize the Item property getters of Span and ReadOnlySpan as intrinsics

"fast span" 支持不太可能很快出现在 .NET Framework 版本中——当然它不会出现在 4.7.2(或更早版本)中,也不在 4.8 的计划中——参见 this discussion thread.