
Is there a way to flatten this promise chain more effectively (involves chaining on catch)?


(注意:环境是 AngularJS [即 1.x] 执行 ES5)

function doMyFunction() {
   var d = $q.defer();
   .then (function () { return do2(); }) //P1
   .then (function () { return do3(); }) // P2
   .then {function () {console.log ("All good"); d.resolve(true); return d.promise;}) // P3
   .catch (function () { 
        console.log ("Oh no"); 
        .then (function () {
             console.log ("Ah this fallback1 worked");
             return d.promise;
        }, function () { 
            console.log ("Oh no, fallback failed, do I have to go through nested hell to now try fallback 2?");
           return d.promise;
     return d.promise;



// lets start from the last promise above

.then {function () {console.log ("All good"); d.resolve(true); return d.promise;}) // P3
.catch (function () { return fallback1(); })
.then (function () { d.resolve(true); return d.promise; }) // P4
.catch (function () {})

这实际上行不通,因为 P3 成功时也会执行 P4。

如果我需要按顺序尝试多个基于 promise 的函数并且仅当前一个函数失败时,处理这种情况的好方法是什么?



您是否针对 javascript 调查过 async/await? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/async_function


async function() {
  let first, second, third, fourth;
  try {
    first = await do1();
    second = await do2();
    third = await do3();
    fourth = await do4();
    return fourth;
  } catch(e){
    console.log(e + ' failed. Reverting back to the first')

  return first;

我想知道。未经测试,但由于它们都是未定义的,如果您只想 return 最后接受的项目,那么您可以在 catch 之后测试以下最终 return,如下所示:

return fourth || third || second || first;

它应该只是 return 第一个有效结果,这将是具有可接受值的最终结果。

正确的 promises 链接应该如下所示

function doWholeWork(){
return work1().
return work2();
return work3();
console.log("Some error happened", error)

您可以只链接 catch 方法调用,因为 catch 也 returns 一个可以解决或拒绝的承诺。所以你实际上会在 catch 回调中执行下一个回退:

function perform(i) { // Some mock function for this demo returning a promise
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        console.log('try with ' + i);
        setTimeout(() => {
            if (i < 4) reject("some error"); else resolve(i);
        }, 100);

function doMyFunction() {
    return perform(1)
        .catch( () => perform(2) )
        .catch( () => perform(3) )
        .catch( () => perform(4) ) // <-- this is the first one that resolves
        .catch( () => perform(5) ) // <-- this callback is never executed
        .catch( () => perform(6) ); // <-- (idem)

doMyFunction().then( (i) => console.log('Success with step ' + i) ); // <-- final result

请注意,对于 AngularJS 下的 ES5 代码,第一个模拟函数如下所示:

function perform(i) { // Some function returning a promise
    var d = q$.defer();
    console.log('try with ' + i);
    setTimeout(() => {
        if (i < 4) d.reject("some error"); else d.resolve(i);
    }, 100);
    return d.promise();



function perform(i) { // Some mock function for this demo returning a promise
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        console.log('try with ' + i);
        setTimeout(() => {
            if (i < 4) reject("some error"); else resolve(i);
        }, 100);

function tryAndFallback(fallbacks) {
    return (function loop(fallbacks) {
        if (!fallbacks.length) return Promise.reject("Nothing worked!");
        return fallbacks[0]().catch( () => loop(fallbacks.slice(1)) );

function doMyFunction() {
    return Promise.resolve() // <-- some promise that is just fine
        // Now a task that has a few fallbacks
        .then( () => tryAndFallback([() => perform(2),  
                                     () => perform(3),
                                     () => perform(4)]) )
        .then( () => console.log('more work can be done here') );

doMyFunction().then( (i) => console.log('All done') ); // <-- final result