松露 JS 测试不起作用
Truffle JS test not working
我在 Truffle 框架中有一个 solidity 契约,但我无法弄清楚为什么我的 JS 测试不起作用。
我正在尝试测试 'setPlayers' 函数,合约有效并且测试是 运行 但我不明白如何在测试中调用该函数:
pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Swindle {
string public eventName;
uint public entryFee;
string[] public players;
string public winner;
uint public winnings;
function comp(string _eventName, uint _entryFee) public {
eventName = _eventName;
entryFee = _entryFee;
function addPlayers(string _player) public {
function winner(string _player) public returns (string, uint) {
winner = _player;
winnings = (players.length * entryFee);
return (winner, winnings);
var Swindle = artifacts.require("Swindle");
contract('Swindle', function(accounts) {
it('sets player to stuart', function(){
return Swindle.deployed().then(function(instance) {
swindle = instance;
return swindle.addPlayers.call("stuart");
}).then(function(swindle) {
assert.equal(swindle.players[0], "stuart", "sets the total supply");
0 passing (302ms)
1 failing
1) Contract: Swindle
sets player to stuart:
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at test/test-swindle.js:10:32
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:118:7)
您无法直接访问 javascript 中的合约数组。首先你需要调用 players
as 方法。
it('sets player to stuart', function(){
return Swindle.deployed().then(function(instance) {
swindle = instance;
return swindle.addPlayers.call("stuart");
}).then(function(swindle) {
return swindle.players();
}).then(function(players) {
assert.equal(players[0], "stuart", "sets the total supply");
您可以 async/await
it('sets player to stuart', async () => {
let swindle = await Swindle.deployed();
await swindle.addPlayers.call("stuart");
let players = await swindle.players.call();
assert.equal(players[0], "stuart", "sets the total supply");
我在 Truffle 框架中有一个 solidity 契约,但我无法弄清楚为什么我的 JS 测试不起作用。
我正在尝试测试 'setPlayers' 函数,合约有效并且测试是 运行 但我不明白如何在测试中调用该函数:
pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Swindle {
string public eventName;
uint public entryFee;
string[] public players;
string public winner;
uint public winnings;
function comp(string _eventName, uint _entryFee) public {
eventName = _eventName;
entryFee = _entryFee;
function addPlayers(string _player) public {
function winner(string _player) public returns (string, uint) {
winner = _player;
winnings = (players.length * entryFee);
return (winner, winnings);
var Swindle = artifacts.require("Swindle");
contract('Swindle', function(accounts) {
it('sets player to stuart', function(){
return Swindle.deployed().then(function(instance) {
swindle = instance;
return swindle.addPlayers.call("stuart");
}).then(function(swindle) {
assert.equal(swindle.players[0], "stuart", "sets the total supply");
0 passing (302ms)
1 failing
1) Contract: Swindle
sets player to stuart:
TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
at test/test-swindle.js:10:32
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:118:7)
您无法直接访问 javascript 中的合约数组。首先你需要调用 players
as 方法。
it('sets player to stuart', function(){
return Swindle.deployed().then(function(instance) {
swindle = instance;
return swindle.addPlayers.call("stuart");
}).then(function(swindle) {
return swindle.players();
}).then(function(players) {
assert.equal(players[0], "stuart", "sets the total supply");
您可以 async/await
it('sets player to stuart', async () => {
let swindle = await Swindle.deployed();
await swindle.addPlayers.call("stuart");
let players = await swindle.players.call();
assert.equal(players[0], "stuart", "sets the total supply");