train() 中的 ROC 指标,插入符包

ROC metric in train(), caret package

df 在训练和测试数据帧中拆分。火车数据帧分为训练和测试数据帧。因变量 Y 是二进制(因子),值为 0 和 1。我正在尝试使用此代码(神经网络,插入符包)预测概率:


model_nn <- train(
  Y ~ ., training,
  method = "nnet",
  trControl = trainControl(
    method = "cv", number = 10,
    verboseIter = TRUE,

model_nn_v2 <- model_nn
nnprediction <- predict(model_nn, testing, type="prob")
cmnn <-confusionMatrix(nnprediction,testing$Y)
print(cmnn) # The confusion matrix is to assess/compare the model


    Error: At least one of the class levels is not a valid R variable name; 
This will cause errors when class probabilities are generated because the
 variables names will be converted to  X0, X1 . Please use factor levels 
that can be used as valid R variable names  (see ?make.names for help).

我不明白"use factor levels that can be used as valid R variable names"是什么意思。因变量 Y 已经是一个因素,但不是有效的 R 变量名称?

PS:如果删除 trainControl() 中的 classProbs=TRUEtrain() 中的 metric="ROC",代码将完美运行。但是,"ROC" 指标是我比较最佳模型的指标,因此我正在尝试使用 "ROC" 指标制作模型。


# You have to run all of this BEFORE running the model
classes <- c("a","b","b","c","c")
floats <- c(1.5,2.3,6.4,2.3,12)
dummy <- c(1,0,1,1,0)
chr <- c("1","2","2,","3","4")
Y <- c("1","0","1","1","0")
df <- cbind(classes, floats, dummy, chr, Y)
df <-
df$floats <- as.numeric(df$floats)
df$dummy <- as.numeric(df$dummy)

classes <- c("a","a","a","b","c")
floats <- c(5.5,2.6,7.3,54,2.1)
dummy <- c(0,0,0,1,1)
chr <- c("3","3","3,","2","1")
Y <- c("1","1","1","0","0")
df <- cbind(classes, floats, dummy, chr, Y)
df <-
df$floats <- as.numeric(df$floats)
df$dummy <- as.numeric(df$dummy)


首先是错误消息,它说明了一切:您必须使用 "0", "1" 以外的其他内容作为因变量 Yvalues ].

在构建数据框后,您至少可以通过两种方式做到这一点 df;第一个提示错误消息,即使用 make.names:

df$Y <- make.names(df$Y)
# "X1" "X1" "X1" "X0" "X0"

第二种方法是使用 levels 函数,通过它您可以明确控制名称本身;在这里再次显示名称 X0X1

levels(df$Y) <- c("X0", "X1")
# [1] X1 X1 X1 X0 X0
# Levels: X0 X1

添加以上任一行后,显示的train()代码会运行顺利(将training替换为df),但仍然不会产生任何 ROC 值,而是给出警告:

Warning messages:
1: In train.default(x, y, weights = w, ...) :
  The metric "ROC" was not in the result set. Accuracy will be used instead.

这给我们带来了第二个问题:为了使用 ROC 度量,您必须在 train()trControl 参数中添加 summaryFunction = twoClassSummary

model_nn <- train(
  Y ~ ., df,
  method = "nnet",
  trControl = trainControl(
    method = "cv", number = 10,
    verboseIter = TRUE,
    summaryFunction = twoClassSummary # ADDED

运行 上面包含您提供的玩具数据的代码片段仍然出现错误(缺少 ROC 值),但这可能是由于此处使用的数据集非常小且 CV 折叠数量众多,并且您自己的完整数据集不会发生这种情况(如果我将 CV 折叠减少到 number=3,它就可以正常工作)...