Xamarin 表格 - Navigation.PopAsync() 不工作

Xamarin Forms - Navigation.PopAsync() not working

我有一个标签页,我已将其设置为 xamarin 表单中的主页:

 App.Current.MainPage = new MainPage();

MainPage 是一个标签页:

public partial class MainPage : TabbedPage

在 tabbedPage 中有一个内容页面,它有一个按钮点击加载 MasterDetail 视图:

 await Navigation.PushAsync(new AttendMasterPage(new AttendanceViewModel(item)));

这工作正常,但 masterdetail 视图加载到选项卡式页面中。所以当我使用 Navigation.PopAsync();在详细信息页面上完成后,什么也没有发生。



A MasterDetailPage is designed to be a root page, and using it as a child page in other page types could result in unexpected and inconsistent behavior. In addition, it's recommended that the master page of a MasterDetailPage should always be a ContentPage instance, and that the detail page should only be populated with TabbedPage, NavigationPage, and ContentPage instances. This will help to ensure a consistent user experience across all platforms.

来源:official doc
