如何在方法声明中使用 "throws IllegalArgumentException"

How to use "throws IllegalArgumentException" in method declaration

如何编写方法声明中包含 "throws IllegalArgumentEception" 的方法。像这样:如果我只 return d 如果 d>0 否则抛出一个 IllegalArgumentException,我会怎么做?您使用 try{}catch{} 吗?

public double getPrice(double d) throws IllegalArgumentException {



public double getPrice(double d) throws IllegalArgumentException {
     if(d <= 0) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException();

     // rest of code

此外,方法声明中并不真正需要 throws IllegalArgumentException。这只能通过 已检查的异常 来完成。但是IllegalArgumentException属于unchecked exceptions

有关这些的更多信息,我建议阅读这篇文章 other question



public double getPrice(double d) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (d <= 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number is negative or 0");

    //rest of your logic


您可以详细了解 Java 异常 here