QtSql:绑定不会更改 SQLite 的查询

QtSql: binding doesn't change query with SQLite

我有以下代码应该将值绑定到 prepare 语句:

QSqlQuery query(db);
query.prepare("SELECT Entry.* FROM Entry WHERE body LIKE ?;");
query.addBindValue(QVariant("%" + name + "%"));
tDebug("%s", query.executedQuery().toUtf8().data());

例如,如果 name"thing",那么查询应该执行语句 SELECT Entry.* FROM Entry WHERE body LIKE "%thing%",但它执行 SELECT Entry.* FROM Entry WHERE body LIKE ?,几乎就像绑定值是忽略。命名占位符也有同样的问题。

我在等效示例上尝试了此操作,并适当地测试了 "prepare" 和 "exec" 的结果,这两个 return 都是布尔值。我测试了在 exec with:

  QList<QVariant> list = query.boundValues().values();
  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
    qDebug() << i << ": " << list.at(i).toString();


  while (query.next())
    qDebug()<<"result = "<<query.value(0);

确实,executedQuery 不包含有界值,但 Qt 中的注释对此有些含糊:

"If a prepared query with placeholders is executed on a DBMS that does not support it, the preparation of this query is emulated.The placeholders in the original query are replaced with their bound values to form a new query. This function returns the modified query. It is mostly useful for debugging purposes."

所以我假设对于 postgresql(我拥有的)和 SQLite,executedQuery 会 return 原始的占位符而不是有界值。