在 Do While 循环中只接受来自 InputBox VB.Net 的整数值

Only accept Integer values from InputBox VB.Net within Do While Loop


Private Sub btnShow_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddNum.Click
    Dim intInputNum As Integer
    Dim strInputNum As String = ""
    Dim isEven As Integer = 0
    Dim isOdd As Integer = 0
    Dim userInput As String = InputBox(("Enter a number (0 to end)"))
    Dim numArray() As String = strInputNum.Split(New Char() {","c})
    Dim validInput As Boolean = Integer.TryParse(userInput, intInputNum)

    If validInput = False Then
        MsgBox("Invalid input, integer numbers only")
    ElseIf validInput = True Then
        Do While intInputNum > 0 And validInput = True
            If intInputNum Mod 2 = 0 And validInput = True Then
                lblEvenValues.Text = lblEvenValues.Text & CStr(intInputNum) & ","
                intInputNum = Val(InputBox("Enter a number (0 to end)"))
                isEven = isEven + 1
                lblCountEven.Text = isEven
            ElseIf intInputNum Mod 2 <> 0 And validInput = True Then
                lblOddValues.Text = lblOddValues.Text & CStr(intInputNum) & ","
                intInputNum = Val(InputBox("Enter a number (0 to end)"))
                isOdd = isOdd + 1
                lblCountOdd.Text = isOdd
            ElseIf validInput = False Then
                MsgBox("Invalid input, integer numbers only")
            End If
    End If
End Sub


Do While intInputNum > 0

给您带来了麻烦。当用户输入非整数值时,在第一次循环后,此行:Val(InputBox("Enter a number (0 to end)")) 的计算结果为零。 显然不大于0.

重新使用您的布尔语句来评估 userInput,而不是像这样的 intInputNum:

userInput = Val(InputBox("Enter a number (0 to end)")) validInput = Integer.TryParse(userInput, intInputNum)

然后您需要修复消息框的位置,使其仅显示在循环之外而不是循环中。所以当 validInput <> True 它会打破循环并输出你的 Msgbox.

您还需要修复 Do While 语句以正确评估 userInput 而不是 intInputNum