
moq and fetching an exception

我正在尝试通过一些简单的示例来学习最小起订量测试 我有

public class CustomerService
   private readonly ICustomerRepository _repository;
   public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository repository)
       _repository = repository;

   public void CreateWithMoney(CustomerDTO dto)
        var cust = new Customer { FirstName = dto.FirstName, LastName = dto.LastName, FinacialStatus = dto.FinacialStatus };
        if (cust.FinacialStatus < 500)
            throw new NotEnoughMoneyException();                

public void ThrowExceptionIfMoneyIsLessThan500()
    var mockRepo = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>();        
    var mockService = new Mock<CustomerService>(mockRepo.Object);

    mockService.Setup(x => x.CreateWithMoney(It.IsAny<CustomerDTO>()))


我不知道如何验证这是真的,最重要的是我无法 运行 测试,

cause I'm getting this error Expected: EntityTest.TDD.NotEnoughMoneyException But was: System.NotSupportedException : Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member: x => x.CreateWithMoney(It.IsAny())

您不能模拟 CreateWithMoney 方法,因为它不是虚拟的。为其添加virtual关键字:

public virtual void CreateWithMoney(CustomerDTO dto)


public void ThrowExceptionIfMoneyIsLessThan500()
  var repository = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>().Object;
  var dto = ...; // Instantiate CustomerDTO that returns a value > 500 for FinancialStatus property

  var target = new CustomerService(repository);


如您所见,ExpectedException 属性指定了您期望的异常类型。查看 here 了解更多信息。